Got the Platinum and enjoyed my time with it, even if it is pretty basic in the gameplay department.

Used it as my Daily Achievement points game ngl.

I like cleanup games but this was a bit of a chore (ha). The skills system isn't worth the money you have to pay for the upgrades, buying one felt like nothing much actually changed. There also wasn't enough variety to keep the cleaning engaging, everything just goes a little too slow. The music is fine, as is the art direction, and got 100% on all stages without any difficulty or bugs.
I completed this in a day and now my wrist hurts.

The lore behind the Mirror's Edge universe
could have made for a compelling story in this soft-reboot, but alas it falls into every boring trope imaginable. The movement is slick but I died way too many times from actions that were no fault of my own, leaving me feel frustrated. The city of glass is not fun for me to traverse, it's so confusing that I had to have the hand-holding runner's vision on for my full playthrough. Combat is a slog (as it was in the first game), and the graphics while nice, don't quite compare to the aesthetic the first game provided. I'm such a huge fan of the first game and this soft-reboot felt like a complete waste. Still Alive is a track I will remember and love forever, yet I can't for the life of me remember a single second of this one's soundtrack. Overall the experience isn't dreadful, but it certainly leaves a lot to be desired.

Some great visuals and decent story, bogged down by near insufferable gameplay.

I'm not proud of myself for having this in my backlog.

Just because your game is pretty, doesn't mean it's actually good.

The setting is beautiful, the graphics are insanely good, and the story is serviceable. I did about 6 runs to get the speedrun and no dying achievements and wasn't bored or frustrated having to replay it at any time.

It does have a lot of stutter issues at times, however. Heavy ones as well.


Not gonna rate because I only used this game for the Daily Achievement points, and followed a guide doing so.

Adding QOL changes like the Paint Spray tool and pressing X to buy is good, as is the ability to add foundations to create your own houses from scratch. The jobs are fine, and there's plenty of "meat" added to the game, but overall still somehow feels a bit underwhelming. I didn't have any crashes during my short playthrough, the only bug I encountered was all audio stopped playing at one point, but a restart fixed it.

Boring, slow, and the "story" just feels like a pretentious mess. The visuals aren't anything I haven't seen before so I can't even appreciate them. I think 505 Games made this? Can't be too sure as they only mentioned it in the credits about 50 times. Lyndon Holland deserves a shoutout for the music as it's the only thing that delivers here. The fact you need to do 2 playthroughs for the platinum is a joke.

I'm just here for Michael Cusack.

I enjoyed the ride for what it was, an illusion of choice Telltale game.

Just feels very inferior to the likes of Inside, Planet of Lana, and Limbo. Decent atmosphere, but wonky controls and uninspired puzzles make this a bit of a slog to get through. Luckily it's short.


Almost a walking simulator. Visually gorgeous and a nice pace. Doesn't offer much else though, story is not unlike what we've all seen before.