the author of subahibi approved this as kamige

lolicon fantasy for people who like large breasts

none of the characters can resist the bwc

you can see (not) pantsu in this game which makes it better than genshit but that's not saying much

Plot and main characters are some of the best you'll ever get to see in a drpg. Same goes for the massively intricate level design (at least for the first part). I also like how Takehito's art style brings out the expressive personalities of the characters better than a certain tree maze exploring game despite similar aesthetics.
The monotone grinding and stupid amount of micromanaging menus late into the game makes me not put this game on a higher pedestal than it should though.

Extremely watered down castlekino. Just play those instead.
Not even cute girl protagonists can save the game for me.

Had a lot of fun with the smooth gameplay progression of this short and compact version of Ribi Rabi, which also borrows some mechanics from it such as the combo system and collect a ton power ups... until you get to midway with the weird loop where you essentially do a pseudo new game+ to do new events and unlock some leftover areas.
Balance seems to be broken, at the highest difficulty you can become a glass cannon that can end any fight quickly but some enemies can still one shot you.
The forced enemy encounters were not fun for backtracking either and should've stayed permanently gone after you've beaten them. That and the obscure way you have to do to get the true ending loses points for me. A shame since it's one of the most polished and clean looking 2d side-scroller indie game I've ever seen.
Not a fan of the haphazardly done anti-escapist ending either.

Bocchi ザ Rock if it were soulless

escapism is le bad because uhhh... IT JUST IS OK

Quite possibly the best tower defense game ever made that no one has ever heard of for several reasons:
1. There are no males, it's all just cute girls here. The clean looking graphics and smooth animation should attest to that. Each character also get voice lines.
2. Not a single unit is ever useless; every single one of them will have a use at almost every point in the game.
3. Although it got some Qol updates over the years, I remember it being quite challenging in the early days. The levels actually required some management and strategizing of the right unit placement to beat. Even when the game got easier it's still good because:
4. It has lots of customization in how you want to upgrade your units. There are many ways that you can mix and match them during a session.
5. Has a short comic strip as a story supplement, which is unheard of in the genre.
Unfortunately the game is dead and even with the pirated apk there is no way to get past the 1st world. I'd really have my way to get the devs revive it had I been Nick Robinson.

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