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Archagent completed Boxboy!

1 day ago

Archagent commented on KatietheSqurge's list Silly Boss Kills
I'll see how many I can think of...

Scarmiglione (Undead Form) (Final Fantasy IV)
Dinozombie (Final Fantasy V)
Phantom Train (Final Fantasy VI)
Undead Behemoth King (Final Fantasy VI)
Abadon (Final Fantasy VIII)
Soulcage (Final Fantasy IX)
Evrae Altana (Final Fantasy X)

Bonus: in FFVI, a bug allows the player to instantly clear the Wrexsoul fight by using Banish while Wrexsoul possesses one of the party, thus skipping it entirely!

1 day ago

Archagent commented on KatietheSqurge's list Silly Boss Kills
RE: FFVII and Gi Nattack

There's a lot of these over the series! Pretty much every FF game has an undead boss you can beat with just phoenix downs

1 day ago

1 day ago

1 day ago

MagneticBurn finished TwinBee Taisen Puzzle-Dama
Appreciate a puyo clone that understands to just actually be puyo with a gimmick on top. Game actually defaulted to the classic Taisen mode somehow, it was only at the end of the game I realized 'wait, where the fuck are the twinbee dudes', so I gave it a twice over. Good overall but the speed scaling on the last couple levels of arcade mode is terrible, would be much more of an issue if the CPU weren't laughably easy. Color drop rates are really bad too, I named about 3 times I lost because I waited 20 drops to get just 1 color I needed and couldn't, what's up with that man?

1 day ago

2 days ago

2 days ago

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