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KingoSpade reviewed Resident Evil 7: Biohazard
Resident Evil 7 is a game that I personally really enjoyed, though it’s a given considering I enjoy the more horror-centric games rather than the action games. The atmosphere is great throughout the game that makes everything come across as dilapidated, run-down, and abandoned.
The villain cast makes a great impression on the player with their personalities that excel in making them hateable.

I lnow that some have a major issue with the game being in a FPS style view, but personally I never minded it much. After all the series has already changed so much throughout all of its games up to this point that it’s bound to change the FPS view eventually, after all we went from the locked camera angle display, to third-person, and now first person.

I liked the story concept, did a great job of introducing the main character along with his motivations. Plus considering how self-contained it is compared to every other RE game, I feel like it helps this game even more as a starting point for any new fan of the series considering the long story of RE 1-6 would be daunting to anyone to decide where to start.

However I can agree that the third act of the game kinda takes away from the quality, with a location that WELL overstays its welcome and becomes repetitive somehow considering that it’s a pretty linear location. The only positive I can ever find from it being how it showcases the backstory for the “Biohazard” with its origins from various experiments and tests that show its gruesome nature.

But the biggest flaw I can find in this game is the variety of enemies. Even back in the old games of Resident Evil, you didn’t only have your standard zombies to deal with, you had every other abomination that had dedicated backstories as to how they came to be and why they’re in the game whether it was simple exposure to viruses or experimental creation. (Hunters, Chimeras, Cerberus, Lickers, Plant 42, Pale Heads, Drain Deimos, G-Types, Crimson Heads, etc.) in this game the enemy variety is always based off the same general mold enemy but with the options of standard, crawler, and fat. Which is just disappointing especially considering the infection is MOLD, there is SO MUCH potential you could do making mold enemies instead of making the same pile of sludge attack you.
And I feel that they’re not even present much like other horror-centered RE games, where the zombies or enemies would pose an obstacle to you in the way of navigating the game where you had to find alternative routes or paths or decide if you would like to deal with them at the cost of resources.
In this game the enemies are treated as regular obstacles and encounters. I would much rather have them roam around the house and I find paths to maneuver around or clear out rooms that are essential.

I feel like this game would really have benefited A LOT from the ambient eerie music tracks of old RE games instead of straight silence. The creepy atmosphere does a lot of favors but eventually when the game is just SILENCE and nothing bad happens to keep you on edge you eventually don’t feel any tension. There were some times when I roamed around the Baker House with NO fear of consequence unlike the Spencer Mansion in RE1 where the music had me on edge IN EVERY ROOM AT ALL TIMES even if I had cleared it of enemies because of the tension being kept consistent and present.
But this game does have some good tracks such as the save room theme but god do I miss the ambient tracks.

Does RE 7 have flaws? Yes, even if the game went back to its roots for this entry it still lacks some of what made RE 1-2 amazing for me, but I would much rather take a Resident Evil game that focuses on making its own identity and sticks to its guns on its gameplay and atmosphere than one that attempts to please everybody in the crows and loses any sense of identity the way RE6 does.

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