Somehow some dweeb managed to make a better sonic game than the original sonic games. I don't care regardless, this is the best official 2d sonic title I've played.

You want to be Shovel knight so bad but oooo you're not Shovel knight are you

I wonder why it's called Franken


After 3 days I finally beat the last zone just to prove to myself I could.

I'm the typing GOD dude get on my LEVEL dawg

I feel like I'm a different person after playing this.

Listen, I really want to like this one, but I think this is genuinely one of the worst controlling 3d platformers I've ever played. Nothing is tight and your movement is incredibly slippery and unfun to play. Full love to the team for making a free game in a week, but it should have been more than this.

I think every platformer fan should play this game. It was made with an insane amount of love that you rarely see from games these days. If you like MMX/MMZ or Ninja Gaiden (or any of the other platformers this game Frankensteined it's game design from), definitely give this a shot.

My only major complaint is the end game difficulty spike, the last 3 bosses took me around 4 hours of attempts over multiple days. If you like brutal bosses, you'll love this.

Definitely a new favorite, this one is going to live rent free in my head for a while.

This game just OOZES style. You're very hard pressed to find truly unique platformers nowadays, but this one definitely hits the mark in standing out among it's contemporaries for it's deceptively simple yet rewarding platforming and incredibly well thought out level design. Each stage iterates and expands on the one that came before it without feeling dull or sluggish for it's 5 world run. Maybe slightly jank physics, but nothing that can't be out maneuvered by clever play.
If I had one thing to complain about it would be the unfortunately simple and challenge-less bosses, thus why this game is only 4 stars. With a movement gimmick as free flowing as a grappling hook, the bosses were pretty underwhelming and nothing remotely ground breaking. There's a lot of room for improvement and iteration in the sequel which I will definitely be picking up!
Overall I really enjoyed my time with this one, I even completed all of the bonus stages which is something I rarely do.

This game is pretty fun, but there's not much to it. Definitely play with a friend, some of the layouts can be pretty hellish.

Now that's one spicy meatball. Fast, fluid, rewarding to master. This is everything I want out of a platformer and more.

Definitely a lot of potential here in terms of movement and level design, but its not quite there yet. Still a very fun demo that left me wanting more, but it needs more time in the pizza oven.