fun game to play with friends.... that's it.LOLOLOL

I remember being stuck and didn't know where to go. I did have the option to fight two bosses but i got my ass kicked. i have this game on steam and plan to replay.

i love puzzle games but i am not smart .-. currently stuck

sneaking game or kill everyone. fun playing with another person~

i have yet to fully play this game. when it first came out, my friend and i tried to play but the connection in-game was buggy and we never got to play.

I don't like dinosaurs, and space games. LOLOLOL
RIP doug. game is okay with friends.

i like the story from what i can remember. would like to complete it.

I revisit the game once in a while. a narrative game from Davey Wreden. It leaves me wanting more and wishing for a happy ending each play through. 10/10

easy? story is meh. mindless game play

can you even beat this game LOLOLOL?

very fun! beat all but one angel on normal~ will come back and play~

played for an hour. remember it being a shooter game you would play in an arcade

I have 8.4 hours on the game. last played June 4, 2018. I remember beating the game but don't remember the ending. the game looked cute and I like games with hints of spookies :3

I would like to revisted and get the other endings and refeash the story.