not a big fighting games person but this game was cool asf

the best zombies experience to date, however, it doesnt save itself from the fact that this game's other 2 modes are unbearable, the multiplayer was activision's way of saying "fuck you give me all your money" and the campaign was weird and hard to even follow along.
if you like zombies this game is for you, but multiplayer and story fans, stay away from this

its definitely one of the weaker sony titles

for the time this game was so cool

whilst this game has really nice controls and a clear narrative and such, theres a lot of slow, near dead parts of this game that honestly make me think "i could be playing something else right now"
i preferred MGS

its a weird mashup of an arena fighter and a third person action game, but man does it work super well, this game is so fun! but you'd need friends or a community for the game to truly be one youd wake up and decide to keep playing

if i could rate it worse i would
they straight up lied about this game in their announcement event

terrible launch led to one of the best star wars games ever, we need a battlefront 3

if you werent around for this game, im so sorry

one of the best star wars medias ever