ok this isnt me rating the story, story would get like 3.5* from me, but holy fucking shit everything else about this game STINKS

imo one of the most overrated horror games of all time, its scary, yes! but when all the mechanics ur offered are just WASD it becomes bland very quickly

dont even touch this
it smells like reddit

yk that weird uncanny valley feeling of a game that feels like its made in 2004 for a psp but has the visuals of a 2023 AAA major release??

unlikely 5*
this is more an art piece than a video game, takes like 15 mins to finish
its too good

a bizarre tale is all i can say really

its not the best imo

-- unpopular opinion --

this game was hyped up too much that when i picked it up it fell flat almost immediately, i hate the mechanics of this game so much, riding a horse feels really weird

wont let me choose steam btw

anyways, i feel as if theres a lot of discourse between the best persona game, theyre all so insanely beautiful and well done that its kind of hard to pick one over the others
i preferred persona 3 fes, but persona 4 golden NEVER lacked, this game is a masterpiece and everything about it should be studied in university courses. its fantastic

had it not been for re4 remake being even better id given this 5 stars

capcom's dev 1 team really is insanely talented

fantastic game, held back by its online component being filled with nothing but greedy microtransactions and inflation

first game where 1 million dollars barely does anything lmao

its really cute, however not really my kinda game
i like the artstyle and the clever mechanics, but the combat feels a bit dry at times

Staying true to it's original roots, whilst innovating and changing up the plot for a modern audience, Resident Evil 4 Remake is the benchmark for how every developer should take into consideration whilst remaking their older titles.

The love poured into this game beats its own heart for the people who played the original, which defined a generation of video games for a long time, whilst keeping up with the newer traditions of video games that were developed after 2005.

Everything has been bumped up in scale, everything feels so much nicer to play, everything feels different, yet familiar. Reworking characters who previously never had much of a role into way bigger roles on screen is a fantastic addition, this game is truly as much of a masterpiece as the 2005 version.

now give us separate ways lmao