Got with Playstation Plus. Not my thing

Tried playing with a friend and the game was incredibly buggy on PS4. Numerous graphical glitches. There was a scene where as entire character was missing. The subtitles showed up, but they were entirely invisible and silent. Was so bad it was funny.

Didn't finish it because I had limited time with the person I started the game with and didn't want to finish it on my own. Will probably restart someday.

Started the game on Xbox Game Pass. Probably will never really play it.

Played a bit with my dad and his friend because they were big fans of the original. Replicated the frustration of old Battletoads well.

Played the very beginning of the first game. Not sure if it's my thing. Idk if I'll attempt to revist it.

Played with my younger brother while it was on Game Pass. Had a decent time with it. It got taken off the service and neither of us were into it enough to want to buy the game in order to complete it.

Played for a decent amount. Wanted to like it, but it's really not great.

My favorite Fire Emblem game (I've barely touched anything else). Simple, but fun gameplay. So much content.

Had fun and played a decent amount. Got too repetitive for me to finish though.

Not my thing. Tries to be more pretty than fun, but I don't really like the art style.

Nice animations, but the original is much better in terms of gameplay.

Not as bad as everyone treats it. Not a big fan of Toad Rally, but the main game was fun

Had a good amount of fun with it. Far from perfect.

RIP. I played a decent amount in high school when the game came out. Wish I would've gone back and fully finished it before it got shut down.

Still play at family gatherings. A fun time