An absolute masterpiece.

I grew up with the game and coming back to it as an adult and completing it was an incredible experience. One of my favorite games of all time. The atmosphere that was created with such limited 3d technology is mystifying. The fact that this was the first 3d Zelda game makes everything even more impressive.

I replayed the game through Ship of Harkinian on a modded Switch. I highly recommend it for small tweaks it adds to make the experience even better.

Was playing the game with my little brother before I moved out. I hope to finish the game someday. I enjoyed what I played.

Pre-ordered and played day 1. Immediately fell in love with the game. The game does a great job of being mostly linear while also revisiting the main village to unlock new secrets. Having each "chapter" of the game split up with different main antagonists, locations, and even gameplay styles was great. Nerrel described it great in his review when said the game was like a theme park with different attractions. One of my top 10 favorite games.

Haven't had the chance to play the DLC yet, but I plan to in the future.

Played a bit of the fan-made Switch port.

I can see what's there, but I'm not sure it's for me.

Might try it again sometime, might not.

Played back when the game was initially released in 2020. I played on PS4 and the game performance kept on getting worse as more content was added. I would try to play with friends and would be stuck loading while they were already active and playing during events.

I enjoyed my time with the game, I put a bit of money into the game (around $40ish probably). I think I got the worth out of what I played.

Dropped the game in 2021. I still have friends encouraging me to play again so I might at some point, but I'm not dying to try out the new characters.

I've played with my younger brothers on a few occasions. Not the biggest fan, but what other game lets you play as LEGO Mr. Beast?

Played as a child and enjoyed it, but I need to replay it as an adult.

I really want to love this game more. The gameplay loop is incredibly fun. It is some of the most enjoyable Pokemon gameplay I've ever experienced. At the same time the game is extremely unpolished and feels unfinished. The padding towards the end of the game nearly made me drop it, but I did make to the first ending after taking a month off from the game. I wish they would've taken the time to make this into the truly great game it could have been, now it's just a really good game with a number of flaws.

The perfect length for a game. It doesn't overstay its welcome or drag on and it was enjoyable from beginning to end. Ended up 100%ing it (aside from achievements).

I watched my younger brother play bits of the first game but never played it myself, so this was my first experience with the Insomniac Spider-man games.

There are lots of great aspects of this game and a few annoying ones. I'm not a super competitive fighting game player, but I've spent hours playing this game with friends. I'm so happy with the roster and that they brought everyone back. The side modes aren't horrible but they aren't anything special either. Could care less about spirits, and World of Light was a bit disappointing. However, for the things most people care about (core fighting gameplay and characters), this game is the best Smash Bros. game so far.

I've spent so many hours playing this game. I haven't played it from start to finish in some time though, so I plan to do that.

Incredible game. Played it at launch, and have spent hours collecting moons. Replayed it and it still holds up so well. I wish there was just a bit more content (some DLC kingdoms would've been great), but I think is probably the best 3d Mario game.

A masterpiece. Difficult but rewarding boss fights. 100% completed. Highly recommend.

Played over winter break in high school after I got my first (shared) gaming PC. Fell in love with the game, especially the ending.

I've played on PC, Mobile, and Switch and I love it. Most people have moved on post-pandemic, but I still enjoy the game and am almost always down to play a round.