A lot of fun (with friends), don't buy this expecting for you to be able to solo missions.

My first DQ game and i'm so glad it was.

story is convoluted but it's a goated that made me bawl out cry (also one of the prettiest artstyles in a game ever)

we were truly alone in the dark

and if we're going by this game, we are going to still be alone in the dark years to come, really shit ass game and it feels like the devs didn't even tried

got 8 hours+ to get the achievement but you can easily end this game in your first run in 4/5 hours.

into the trash it goes

it was indeed a game that was indeed released and i've indeed played and finished in 2024, undeniably it is a game

It's actually unexplainable how few people talked about this game. It has great visuals, a decent enough ost, endearing characters, outstanding designs, and a cool as hell combat system, it is so complex, as long as you understand it, you set your team to do anything. The game incentivizes freedom, stuff like permafreeze, every dirty tactic known in a RPG is here, and that's why people can call it easy.

It took me 55 hours to do 100% of the game, and i has honestly expecting 100+, this might be one of the very few times i actually got sad due to a game being smaller in length than it really is. I wanted to stay in that world in those characters for more time.

Also, a reminder that you can have +60 party members and every one of them feels unique personality wise. The game keeps introducing new classes to you until the end of the game.

This is my first autobattle game and i had an absolute blast with it. As of right now (4/30/2024) it is easily my favorite game of the year and it went completely under the radar for most people.

If you like compelling stories and want something slower to chill down a bit, give this one a try, you'll have a blast.

DISCLAIMER: I got a reviewer key fo free to play this game earlier.
Tl;dr: It's good, but it could've been great.

Both MyRise campaigns are really good, the best they have ever being in this kind of game (maybe i'm little biased towards Jacob Cass storyline in RTWM WWE '12) but they are fun.

They were written by Drew Gulak himself and as a guy from the business he knows how to make interesting stories. I thought the women MyRise was significantly more well written than the male one though, it legit got me emotional, but both were fun.

Universe Mode is LITERALLY THE SAME THING as last years, including that stupid bug in which someone would cash-in but even if they lost the match in the PLE they would still have a match against you in RAW and Smackdown, it's basically "yeah this MITB contract only expires once you manage to win the title"

MYGM is fun, more of the same.

Showcase Mode needs to be gone, it doesn't even make sense at this point.

The idea of adding save-states to CAW/CAS is really good, and i wish they add that to Create a Moveset in future games as well, i was creating a moveset of one of my CAS and my game crashed (and i live in a third world country where the energy might go out randomly) so i had to do it all over again.

The strikes trading mini-game is fun, but if they managed to do that with chain wrestling at the same time, it would be even better. Speaking of chain wrestling, we now get crawl pins back which are always awesome.

I feel like super finishers should be 2 finishers bars only, you most likely won't have 3 bars of finisher unless you really pad out the match. But they are cool, i just wish we can remove the drunk effect.

Also you can deactivate HUD while spectating AI x AI this year, which it was in overdue time.

For last i'll speak for the DLC, they were announced and they are cool as hell, but man, CM Punk, Dragon Lee, Jade Cargill, but man, i really, really wish we got the Moves Pack DLC back. We are limited to having moves only WWE wrestlers have, so most of the moves that are in the game that aren't from any of them, came from some of these packs back in the Yukes day. The Moves Pack DLC were basically indies/Japan moves pack which were incredibly cool. We still don't have Kevin Owen's avalanche Fisherman Buster - a move he does basically every match - and Kevin Owens has been in this games for like... 6 years already? or more? Also we have 4 burning hammers but only one animation for the Emerald Flowsion that is probably 8 years old at this point. I was expecting a new one for Gunther's Last Symphony.

They apparently made create an arena worse but i guess they will fix it with the time.

It does feel like a DLC to WWE 2K23, but it feels like a huge DLC. Something like Phantom Liberty was to Cyberpunk and i don't really mean this in a bad way.

If you are a wrestling fan, you won't find anything better for sure. But i'm still hoping for that definitive WWE game experience in which we still don't have. We are this close to greatness.

I really try to give DONT'NOD a chance, but they always mess it up.

This one in particular has a subpar combar system, it's a GOW 2018 clone and it completely sucks, i don't feel a little bit of fun in it.

The story is SLIGHTY better than the combat, but it doesn't really mean anything since the combat is so bad and doesn't encourages you to keep playing the game and do side-quests and explore.

Red and Antea chemistry worked, i really liked the moments they had.

Besides this, i highly recommend you to skip this one if you don't like GOW 2018-like combat.

As the strongest fighting games developer, Capcom, fought the fraud, the king of cash grabs arena fighters, Bandai, he began to open his domain.

Bandai shrunk back in fear, then Capcom said: "stop making these fucking arena fighters, even more so if CyberConnect 2 isn't involved"

Fun game if you don't care about the Arkham universe. The game is a SUPERB looter shooter, it's really really fun. The downside is the game really doesn't having an ending but i guess they are going the Destiny route, i just expect they make it better.

This is NOT Arkham. Please, do not make comparisons and do not be biased. It's a whole different game.

I'm looking forward to see what they do in the next seasons, if this doesn't flop due bad reception, it might become one of the funniest GaAs as of right now.

The movement and gunplay is great, if you like these types of games, you should def try this one out.

janky but fun, i could rise the rating for it in the future if this doesn't turn out to be a scam

What a great game. Cool mechanics, smooth gameplay and decent enough online. Also it was already time for crossplay.

The story mode is what you'd expect, but as always, a fighting game shines in, it's the multiplayer. I have been blasting Reina in ranked matches and playing with some friends, and damn, she is so fun, i'm late to the party when it comes to Tekken, so she is kinda hard to learn but not impossible, i love her stances and how treacherous she can be.

The cutscenes and OST are top notch as well.

Let's play some good ass Tekken.

It's not a loop, it's a spiral.

Graphically speaking? it's the same old shit, but if you look at the gameplay...

Gameplay speaking? it's not even the same old shit, it's worse, they removed tilt attacks and stuff that added a kind of "depth" to this type of party game.

The recap story mode of the Naruto - Naruto Shippuden has literally no effort, they are straight copy pasted from the old Storm games but without cutscenes, CC2 actually adds a powerpoint presentation showing 2 or 3 still images from the anime. Even the boss fights are recycled, and you don't get to play a lot.

Ahmmm what? New characters? Well we have some Boruto characters for sure. LIke 10% of the Boruto roster, but don't worry, with the release of Boruto: Two Blue Vortex you can rest assured that this game will be just like Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 and receive 20 DLC characters per year!

What? You don't want to play as adult Boruto? Absurd!

The special story is kinda fun though, the game is bad and not worth 60 dol, i had a lot of performance issues in boss battles, online/netcode completely sucks, game is censored with black blood and won't show any gore.

This game will have a new edition in like 4 years and then we will get Naruto x Boruto Storm 5, and the cycle of mediocre arena anime fighters will never end, and if you like the IP you'll buy it whenever you like it or not

"see? this is what male fantasy appeals to"

i consider this to be the western equivalent to musou/dynasty warriors games, complete mad chaos except this one has a quite fun story, it is well optimized and the gunplay/hit feedback feels GODLIKE, damn the gore in this is so satisfactory

totally worth it, a really nice surprise in a year full of nice surprises