Extremely impressed with this game. As someone who usually avoids "scary" games, I got incredibly sucked in to this one. One of the best immersive sims I have ever played, if not the best. I want to go play it through again and try to do the opposite of everything I did on the first playthrough.

Beautifully made game. Played through with my girlfriend and we had an amazing time. Each level is new and refreshing.

2019 WoW Classic re-launch was a magical time. You had to be there.

You never really complete this game. No other game has made me feel the way I felt playing this back in the day.

Gave me Spider-Man 2 vibes with the web-slinging but I got bored quickly. I liked the element of being able to die if I don't swing properly in Spider-Man 2. This game was too easy.

Greatest Spider-Man game of all time. Web-slinging is unmatched.

I played through this game about 6 times. Bought it on both Xbox360 and PS4. Bethesda wins again.

As someone who played Skyrim first, this game was incredible.