74 Reviews liked by Knyrps

water becomes invisible when you look at it through a glass block

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Ho ho ho!




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Literally the first game with a based and redpill protagonist

This is one of the more underrated Metroid games honestly. I actually like it more than Prime 1, which is a hot take, but I gotta be honest: it was a game I loved that much. Honestly, this woulda been higher on the list if it was a bit longer. I also think it could have been a lot more difficult. However, this game does some stuff better than all the other Metroid games. On the plus side, it has one of the best stories in the entire series bar none. It is epic, the cinematics are awesome, the lore involving the phazon is awesome, and I loved how it focused more on the galactic federation. Beyond that, I thought the whole planet hopping feature was awesome!! The planets were so awesome, unique, and my god: skytown. What a phenomenal area. Its so awesome to use the sky rails, and the atmosphere is dope as hell. This game also probably has my favorite music, or one of my favorite osts, in the series. Right from the title screen, to some of the boss tracks, they are all epic. I love it all. Another thing I love about this game is the Immersion with the motion controls. They are so much fun, the aiming is awesome, and the way you engage with different environments is incredible. Finally, this game I think bar none has the best bosses in the prime trilogy. They were so much fun to fight. Overall, I think this is a great game. It was a great third chapter to this trilogy, and I can not wait for prime 4. definitely check this one out though, as I love it

I was never really into or cared about this until playing it with friends. Then I realized this game has untapped potential for some of the most fun things ever.

This is the best game to ever grace our mortal plain.

This game has a surprise JK Simmons and I think that's really nice

Despite having no written word of it on this site, I kind of LOVED Portal 1. I'm not really a big Valve guy so I didn't actually play the Portal games until a few days ago, but I was really surprised by how much I liked them! I knew they were very well regarded but still, I really really liked it.

Now, while I do think Portal 2 is really good, I do think there's been a bit of a trade-off that makes me like it less than the first. The writing, specially early on, is definitely not as strong as the original. I didn't find it as funny or clever when compared to the original (though it gets better).
I feel like some test chambers were underwhelming and gel as a mechanic isn't very entertaining and deceptively limiting. With such a free-flowing fluid you'd think that there would be more freedom to its uses, but the application of their properties never feels genuine. It's too "game-y", if you don't mind me being pretentious. And while I know the chambers are narratively presented as tests with a fixed solution, I feel like the inclusions of the gels weren't very satisfying most of the time (though the dynamic music they made for them was really good). In gameplay it feels too fixed. Also the white gel is lame lol!

The other side of this trade comes in the form of more action set-pieces, which I thought were pretty well implemented. Organic enough to not be distracting and a good change of pace from all the puzzles. I thought they were neat :)

But it's that sacrifice of consistency (which is something that I think Portal 1 has as one of its strongest points) which sets it back for me. Really really good doe, just not as good as 1

they did some weird things to the movesets in this game for some characters but it's also the last chance i'll get to play kensou for a while

Lets take a look at the game description.
"Croc´s World is a really nice jump'n'run with 60 incredible levels and many challenging enemies!" well no, the physics are really bad and it is really repetitive, due to not trying anything new or innovative (also calm down there buddy, even if you liked Croc's world "incredible levels" is kind of pushing it.) The enemy patterns are also archaic. Most of them run in one direction, which is a problem due to a lack of diversity and why do like 99% of Mario clones just put snails as their Koopa, it just becomes very repetitive and snails have feelings too. If you have ever played a mobile or maybe even any bad Mario clone before you have played this game before. The Xbox One version doesn't have any achievements either if you are into that. So lets rephrase the description.
"Croc´s World is a really bad jump'n'run with 60 repetitive levels and no challenging enemies!"
... perfect

This working on my iPhone 3 blew my mind. Also solid game.

Icebreaker: A Viking Voyage is a really fun puzzle game. I have not yet beaten the game as it is really difficult but I have reached the final world (as of writing this) so keep that in mind.
The story is nothing special, but it is definitely improved by dialogue that is actually funny (most of the time).
You cut through ice to get the frozen vikings into a boat where they will quickly be freed from their excruciating pain.
The great level design and various bonus challenges/collectibles make this not become repetitive. There are chests, which act like the vikings but give you coins when reaching the boat. They are made unavailable if you don't plan around them. Coins can also appear in levels floating around which are used as hints as they show how you how you might be able to beat the level. Coins can also be used to unlock optional levels or shortcuts.
There are also two kinds of bonus challenges.
The first one doesn't really have a name but they are random optional extra tasks that appear 1-2 times per world and also unlock extra levels.
An example for that kind of challenge is the goat man in Troll Marsh (the second world). He appears in a level together with some goats which act as enemies, if a viking touches them they die and if the goats get in the vikings boat they die. It is possible to beat the game as normal, but if you get the goats into the goat mans boat first (which is really hard because of the levels design) you unlock a new branching path including new goat based levels, which are a nice break of pace.
You can also set your own records by using less cuts and if you cut a certain amount of times (or less) you will be granted a "par". A par is usually given out to the player if they cut the minimum amount of times, but in some cases you can get a record even better.
Par does not only make levels more replayable but also unlocks some of the hardest levels in the game.
There are also achievements and gems, which are hidden, to keep you interested.
The level design is also great. There are a lot of great ideas which are either world or even level specific.The levels are almost all diverse and fun to play.
The enemies are also good. My only problem with them is that there are normally not more than one per world.
The boss battles are also only okay and the boss of Under Dwell is easily cheesed, making him a 10 second fight if you play perfectly.
The last world, named Kraken, is my only real problem. There is a giant difficulty spike from the 3rd to the last world, due to its world mechanic sometimes being incredibly janky, which is why I have not yet beaten the game.
All in all Icebreaker is still a great puzzle game and definitely a hidden gem from the mobile gaming golden age.

Edit: I have now completed it and the last bunch of levels were great