the banter between the main cast was ahead of its time

Massive downgrade, very arcade-y, even the sniper glints look terrible, plot was average only bright side was the stealth option in "brick in the wall" the lockpick mechanic should have been flushed out more.

The story was good the cinematics made me feel like i was watching an episode of "the pacific"
Shout out to Rousseau, Vive la Résistance

beat this game again and did the 2 dlc episodes for the 1st time and was glad it continued where the main story left off

solid race mechanics but the cops seemed a little to strong early on at high heat levels and the story ending felt abrupt

The name is Rebecca Chambers, but that's Officer Chambers to you.

mechanics are solid but the story is predictable

V out there with the retro jesus 1's

wish more mids would ward pixel brush

the dismemberment in multiplayer was fantastic