Not only a seminal ARPG but also live service as well. Free expansions every 3 months has me sinking 100s of hours into each and everyone.

Genre Defining. One map with infinite possibilities.


One of the last 'half-life' shooters we'd ever see before the gaming industry fully transitioned to hero shooters and open world sandboxes. Excels at game feel while sorely lacking in level design.


The sequel leans a lot more heavily into stealth for some reason, to the point where I'd consider this a stealth game. Mechanics dont back the mechanic at all, boiling stealth down to squat walking through sightlines and popping headshots. The fact that this is one of the best feeling shooters I've ever played barely makes up for it


RGG tries and somewhat succeeds with their new IP in the Yakuza-verse. Yagami quickly became one of my favorite protagonists of the series and the rest of the cast was memorable and fun. The story had a couple of lulls in the middle but snatched my attention back near the end where everything cleanly snapped into place.

The combat is flashy and weighty, though heavily leans into the tiger style, which holds almost all the combat upgrades. Also almost all of the detective stuff falls flat besides the chase sequences. The tailing missions especially are hot garbage and feel as if they pop up every other mission. All that said a few missteps are expected with how much new stuff the team is trying; a lot of it was remedied with the sequel.


Majima and Kiryu are seriously some the greatest game protagonists ever, i can barely put into words how invested and gripped I was by their story and the late-80s rendition of Kamurocho.

Go play it!


this game was such a great surprise. Stupidly fun and genuinely hilarious, every level had a fun gimmick too it. I've never had a game make me laugh as much as this one did.

Also the presentation is very unique, taking on a ms-paint like artstyle with inspiration ranging from Looney Tunes, Sonic the Hedgehog, Super Mario, The Simpsons and Squidbillies.

8/10 and GOTY 2023

That part where you jump the snowmobile over the exploding valley is burned into my brain. Everything else is pretty mid.


outdated open world game gets a great facelift and story rewrite. The story is genuinely great and the small cast of characters are all memorable, but the gameplay is still stuck in 2002; i think about half of my playtime was spent driving across the city. A remnant of open world game design from the early 2000s


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Manages to both push Kasuga into main character role while also concluding Kiryu's near 20-year romp through Japan flawlessly. Both characters feel like they get more than enough time to do this in the games massive storyline.

The turn-based combat was also vastly improved on and given an appropriately yakuza-themed twist on the system; bashing enemies into eachother or walls like you would in games prior.

This game marks a fantastic turning point in the series and embraces what the previous games flirted with; RGG games are now huge 100 hour JRPGS, and I couldn't be happier.


Holds up really well! Some of the mechanics are total jank but that's to be expected from such an old game. Dialogue and voice acting are still really great.

'The Room' of video games. A game that yearns to creep you out and tell a riveting story turns into a comedy of errors as the absolute worst protagonist in gaming bumbles his way through a lynchian 'whodunit' murder mystery. If there are so-bad-it's-good games, this takes the cake.


Pretty awesome addition to the series and was pleasantly surprised at how quickly the game throws you into questing and the hub area.


If Dead Island 1 was a shlocky B-Movie, this is like a tongue in cheek self-aware homage to B-movies. The writing has made a drastic shift to 'woah wacky zombie world where nothing is serious!' but lacks the charisma and charm to pull something like that off.