8 reviews liked by KohakuGaming

i didnt pay attention to the story i just liked the swinging around parts :)

It's alright. I genuinely enjoy the ridiculous nature of Kirby talking to the Dreamland characters. Absolutely out of this world... I don't like how fast the puyo blocks drop on the later levels. It kinda feels too fast. Of course, I just planned it out a little and retried multiple times. Not a fan of this iteration of Puyo Puyo. No rewind used, but I did jump back to the start of the battle for quick retries.

No offence to 2021 Shem but what planet was I on when I rated this 6/10 initially? Easily the strongest game on the NES that I've played. Amazing spritework and backgrounds, great music, fun levels and abilities, everything about Kirby's Adventure feels like its telling the rest of the console's library to go fuck itself.

Kirby rules.

Hands down THE most boring and uncreative game among a series full of extremely creative titles, in both gameplay and story. Papercraft Battles made me wanna kill myself

Lovely versus with Marto. He won on Easy, I won the rest B)

very thankful switch online just tells friends i'm playing "nintendo 64" so they can imagine it's something good rather than logging hour 100 on this piece of shit