9 reviews liked by Krainz

Incredible game but playing this on console with a controller is kind of like reading The Castle and having to complete a captcha every time you want to turn the page.

This was another weird game I picked up for fun to stream and what it was like and much like Mister Mosquito, it's full of fetish pandering with a giant woman in a bikini running around.

The story is a model is on a beach and posing for pictures, but comes across a strange squid-like creature that turns out to be an alien and stings her, resulting in her becoming massive! As such, the military have to respond to this to safeguard the city. Though, despite being a model no one recognises her...

The majority of gameplay is flying aircraft, but also a tank section or two, where you're often chasing, protecting or fighting her.

The first mission it's very obvious what this game is about as the scientists want, for reasons of science, for you to get in a helicopter and scan her body. Including intimate details because...science reasons! They claim it's for identification, but if that's the case does that mean the government keeps detailed information on everyone's body type to such a high detail that they could make you a tailor-made suit?

The gameplay itself is quite fun and works well, though the mission with the jets I found very annoying as you have to try and protect vehicles and you move so fast you can often overshoot where you're going. Especially since you go from helicopter to jet fighter.

All in all, I can't say it's a BAD game, but I did complete it within 2 hours so there isn't actually much to it. Even less than Mister Mosquito, but can still be fun to stream or play for a laugh with friends on a random occasion, but I certainly wouldn't recommend it for anything more than that...

Gameplay + Stream

"Buck! You call that G-ridin!? NAH, fool, you ain't reppin these streets. You can't move on, to ANY HOOD, ridin like that. Try dat shit again."
- Dupree (Guerrilla Black) when you fail a Whip Race

Best way to play the original RE4. It's a masterpiece, and it stands alongside the remake as one of the best games ever made. Funny jokes, atmospheric levels, simple but incredibly fun combat, one of the most replayable campaigns ever.

Incredible project. The creative effort to recreate RE 4 by Albert and Cris is something to behold. They deserve all the praise in the world. Even if you have played the original game or the remake, this is something to experience.

Enjoyment - 10/10
Difficulty - 5/10

Death Stranding is the PlayStation 4. Death Stranding is a fine dining restaurant serving you a delicious fast food burger, but it turned out it wasn't a burger. You begin to question what you just ate, and you cannot place the taste. The only thing you do know is that it was familiar and the best thing you ever ate. Death Stranding touches souls, and cleanses them. Death Stranding is a video game.

With the birth of the arcade downloadable titles on consoles, we saw the death of budget titles released on disk. By budget titles, I'm talking of the games which didn't cost a lot to make, often were made by a small team and more often than not used less that half of the 8.3 GB of the space on the disk. This is a shame as often these games were fun, if slightly flawed titles. The Club is a great example of this. This 3rd person shooter focuses on in-your-face action and points scoring combos. You choose one of 6 characters, 50 Cent unfortunately not included, and take part in competitions in different locations. Each competition or tournament features a selection of events, either killing enemies to get points combos, holding off enemies for as long as you can or running through stages as quickly as possible. These events all take place on the same stage and you compete against enemy bots to see who can get the highest score. There are around 8 maps in the game, none of which are particularly exciting, but the tournament style events and the combo hunting gameplay is pretty decent. I enjoyed racking up some big scores and getting a run just right and there is a nice addictive feeling to the short levels. You string together combos by killing enemies in quick succession and getting special kills like headshots or multi-kills, all of which add to a point multiplier which will start to drop if you stop killing. This creates a fast and frantic style of gameplay, and while I found the camera a little lacking, the controls were decent and the gameplay was quite smooth. My main issue with the game is that this is all there is to it. Sure you can replay levels to get higher scores if you like that kinda thing, but that's about it. There's not really a lot here and it does become repetitive fairly quickly. Overall it's a fine game, but I doubt many people will invest much time with this one.

This game will be forever remembered for the award on the front of the box art. Proudly wearing it's best of E3 on its cover art like a badge of honour, Raven Squad comes crashing and burning onto your console with a very awkward splash. A FPS game where you control two squads of 3 soldiers, Raven squad lets you move between a first person mode and a tactical overhead camera, to control you two teams and infiltrate enemy compounds. It's a fairly unique game on the system and the concept seems really cool. Of course, if you have heard of this game, you will know its a C grade, so bad its good style game, and was not met with rave reviews. In some ways this has actually helped RS age well. People will probably have more fun playing it now than on release. The stereotypical characters, over the top voice acting, just plain dumb cutscenes, everything about this game is cheap and tacky in a endearing way, and it could have been good. The premise of the game feels like it could work and for a couple of minutes it kinda does. There is one section where you have to defend a group hostages as they tried to escape while getting attacked by waves of enemies. The enemies come from both sides so you need to use your tactical view wisely to hold of enemy waves, then switch to your FPS mode to deal some damage. The thing is, this is probably the only time I found the game to work as intended. Most of the time you can just jog through the game in FPS mode, with its frankly horrible controls and shoot everyone with one dude. Each soldier has different weapons and specials, a sniper, heavy machine gunner, close range shotgun dude. They have grenades, smoke bombs etc etc. Again thought, you rarely need to be tactical in this game. As expected the levels are bland and ugly, it is unresponsive and hard to control and of course, the classic mega short 3 hour campaign. BUT, and this is a big but, it is fairly interesting. It attempts something different and fails in a funny way, which in 2023 I quite admire. There are no games like this released nowadays and for that reason I think it's a worthy addition to a collection. It does suck though.