I fucking love this game, played the originally just as Joker was coming out for smash and loved it, when royal came out my mental health wasn't the best and the added third semester genuinely helped me. The character building and the overall message is beautiful and at the time i had never experienced anything like it. I truely believe this game changed my outlook on life and am so grateful to experience this masterpiece.

i used to play the shit out of this game back in 2017 i was so bad and still am. i don't really enjoy playing this game but i tend to come back to it every now and then to play with friends which most of the time enjoyable.

I really enjoy this game but i could never get past the 3 boss, i'm pretty terrible at rogue-likes but its a well designed game. I should pick it back up sometime though...

Fun gameplay wise and songs are good but the remixes are some of the worst shit I've ever heard

Bro this is my comfort game I love it so much, I've spent way to much money on packs but who cares. i tend to come back to it every few months play through a legacy for 3 generations and quit then start a new one months later lmao.

One of the best spider-man stories ever. so easy to 100% too.

Mindless button mashing with a great story what can I say. gameplay is like trash tv a bit bad but cant help but continue watching.

Fakin it... thats all i need to say

i love the cast so much they actually feel like their close friends. Sucks that most important content is locked behind DLC but the ending was phenomenal

Man I really love this game the characters are so good and gameplay is so fucking fun. Ubisoft really fell off after this game :(

This is the best piece of media i have every read/watched/played it is truely a piece of art and Yoko Taro is a fucking genius. I don't think this game's story could ever work as well as it does if it wasn't a game. truely and amazing story and has seriously changed me

I love this rhythm game so much songs are so fucking good and remixes are really good too probably my favourite out of the dancing games but very close with P3D

Not even kidding this was my first experience with the Persona 3 cast. I love the music in this game so much and very fun gameplay

Man this game story feels largely inferior to its prequel but its gameplay truely is *superior to it. had so much fun with the gameplay but with so many bugs and feeling honestly underwhelmed with its ending i don't think i'd want to return to the game anytime soon

I fucking love the gameplay and story and i fucking love Cloud so much he is literally my husband and Tifa is my wife. And bringing my boy Zach back was fucking insane one of my favourite moments i've experienced