As I remember, this is the very first game of the Riddle School series, right? And it's pretty short. Great point and click puzzle game. Used to be one of my favorite web browser games.

I used to watch one of DanTDM's vids back then where he plays this series. Yeah, I even tried it myself and it was great. One of the old series I like.

This reminds me of Rhythm Heaven. A frikin reaction time game filled with different mini game variety.

Too short! This game is just like Portal, but instead of a portal gun. You use a lazer pointer that can activate switches.

Dang, the very first game that I have ever played on a computer when I was a little girl. Why did Popcap even deleted this game??? Aw man, but I guess we can still download it at least.

Best website turn-base game. Childhood game.

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I don't know about you but, I think this game is short or is it just me? It took me 2 days to get used to the controls properly than messing up(dying) to mini bosses for 5+ times because of skill issue like as if you're battling an actual boss of the area. To be fair, the game is quite difficult.

The game has some great background. What I'm saying here is that, the surroundings like the pixelated backgrounds. Love how this game has secret mini areas where you can find health boxes and gearbits for item and skill upgrades.

Overall, the game it's self isn't too difficult to say the least. You'll eventually get to understand how to play it and stuff throughout the game.

This is the first game that I have ever enjoyed that is way different than the usual games I'm interested in. Also way challenging too!

Now that I think of all that... Does this game even have any tutorial? I kinda forgot though, all I can recall are the cutscenes about the Drifter with the Anubis.

I play this for time wasting. Always played this at school! (Mobile version of the game).

Game has nice atmosphere. I don't understand much of the story, just played it because of how amazing it looks.

I mean, it's alright. The game's atmosphere and vibe stuff were good. It's just the gameplay gets boring the more you play it. (It's just repetitive), but I get it though. It's a turn-base mobile gacha game sooo. The music seems good at least.

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Cool game, not too difficult. I love the skins of this game too! Shows some references from other games such as Hollow Knight, Shovel Knight and etc. The combat is amazing, weapons are also amazing! Amazing Metroidvania

This game is not bad though. I just don't seem to get used to the controls and platformer type of games. Let me say, game has some nice feeling in it, the combat/fighting (idk what you call it) is great (Watched a few vids of people playing the game before). Overall, this game is one of the recognized ones I guess.

Used to play this back then when I get bored. I just type random words and mess around with the people in the city.

Simple game, used to play this whenever I get bored.