But seriously, how are his children humans? Are they adopted?

The hours I play into this game is like how I used to play with Binding of Isaac. Once I learned that there were unlockable characters and hidden achievements, it encourages me to spend even more hours into this game. A good one. Repetitive, but not-so boring roguelike game. Love the fast-paced gameplay. It also has the ability to jump through/away from enemies which is actually a good
game mechanic. I guess that's why I like the game so much because it's made by some Newgrounds users.

I used to watch one of DanTDM's vids back then where he plays this series. Yeah, I even tried it myself and it was great. One of the old series I like.

I literally just put alotta hours into this game. I really feel bad for the child. I love seeing the child happy though.

The game's writing and humor is amazing! Yeah, the puzzles and stuff were a bit difficult though, but ya know what? The game has some amazing humor.

Pretty fun and chill game. Thought it'll be longer, but the writing's fine.

Anyways, just a raccoon driving holes.

Simple game, used to play this whenever I get bored.

Me be a huge fan of Stella back when I was a kid. Rovio be removing the game on playstore which is awful. At least the animated series was a good one.

One of the popular stuff back then. I'm not really a huge fan of the whole game it's self, but ngl, the game is really good.

Actually not that good with this game, but overall, the colors and design stuff were good.

This used to be one of those games I like back then (Can't believe I still remember this game till now).

The style of the game is really nice, characters are nice, soundtracks are great. Yeah, the gameplay is a bit off for me(Probably just me having skill issues)but overall, a masterpiece of a game it is.

One of the very first games that I have ever played. The gameplay is pretty simple, a few of the soundtracks are good. Like the pixel character designs.