Really solid entry in the series. The 3D assets look natural, but the delivery of the "OBJECTION" is weak as hell

Amazing megaman game, loses points for that one part in wily stage 1 where you jump down a screen and you die if you jump off the right side

I think of my life in terms of before I played undertale, and after

This game plays the best out of the 3 real mass effect games, and I don't have much negative to say about the story other than that it's contrived in more than a few ways

You will all go to jail for not buying this game

You know what? Fuck you I like this game a lot

I wish I had only nice things to say about this game. I bought it day 1 and played it to completion within a week, and I was left wanting. The ending is unsatisfying, the plot starts and doesn't develop AT ALL until the final act, and I fucking hate the frozen world

Only beat the base game, no DLC or whatever. Super cute platformer! It's still a little rough at points, and the performance isn't sock-knocking on my steam deck, but that doesn't matter in the face of so much charm

I thought it'd be some shovelware garbage but it's a competent little puzzle game

Great fun! I've beaten the main game, but not the extra hard mode.

The best game, my actual favorite game ever (the 2.5 HD ReMIX version at least)

I played both the remaster and the original. The remaster is infinitely better, and I think the ME1 remaster plays better than the rest of the games period