Adventure Game: Sound Novel/Visual Novel

This list was made for the purpose of clearing my mind because of the complicated division of ADV and Novel Game genres.
Release date order. The list is divided into two categories: Non Novel
Reference article and video links:
Visual Novel History(Japanese) - Fukuyama Koji
Visual Novel Glossary, The History of Leaf: Pioneer of the Visual Novel Genre, The Origins of Visual Novels - Bowl of Lentils

Cover art
The game is the direct parent of Tukihime and Fate.
The original and legitimate visual novel.
Leaf and Aquaplus were the first to use the genre name visual novel. The visual novels that came out after ToHeart were just thoughtlessly put into the visual novel genre that companies other than Leaf created on their own. The only four legitimate visual novels are these Shizuku, Kizuato, ToHeart and Routes.

By the way, this Shiziku cover art is from the remake version.
This is such a representative sound novel that it could be said that sound novel = "Kamaitachi no Yoru". THE Sound Novel.
The first commemorative sound novel. From here to 428 is the sound novel row.


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