miscellaneous list

Very short comment list.
A list of with no consistency text, no theme, no coherent, sporadic, miscellaneous thoughts.
Just some for now. I'll add more when I think of something else.
I looked back and thought. Is this Gen Urobuchi and Nitroplus list!?

...My main PC that I use for gaming is broken! My sub-machine is a Mac and I can't play games on it! That means I can't play Cyberpunk2077! I'm really confused...
I can only laugh at the troubles that have been happening since the start of the new year.

I've only played it for about 10 hours, but I feel almost the same as Pangburn's review.
Why do people hate this game so much?
Because it's full of French satire?
I remember, that my old friends were more enthusiastic about this game than I was.
Isn't this Kafka after all? or Isn't it Osamu Tezuka's Firebird, as the hero says at the beginning of the story? Or something like that.
The most convincing conclusion so far is that this game is essentially The Lovers by Philip José Farmer and Green Requiem by Motoko Arai.

I think that the darkness and sickness of Gen Urobuchi's mind is mostly expressed in this game and in the Kotomine of Fate/Zero.
I couldn't do it before the story or the subject or the style.
I don't want to read vertical writing on my monitor. I feel sick.
I can stand a short story about the size of a kikokugai, but not a long one.
Makoto, you should die. Isn't it enough to say this one word? The anime version is more interesting in a terrible way.

It's not just about this game. Please don't misunderstand Japan in a strange way.
A time loop. I remember it was a good scenario.
But it's not my cup of tea.
Romeo Tanaka, who wrote the scenario for this game, is an anomaly.
There is an internet meme that compares him with other scenario writers of the same age, so I'll post it here.

*Nishio Ishin depicts an abnormal person living a happy life in his abnormal state.
Gen Urobuchi portrays a normal person who accepts his abnormality and takes responsibility for it.
Kinoko Nasu portrays people who have abnormalities in their past but live in society with a normal face.
Ryuukishi07 is the one who confronts such abnormalities.
Romeo Tanaka is the one who is abnormal.*

I don't sympathy the same way about any of the five. If I had to pick one, I'd say Nasu of Fate/UBW scenario.
A devil fusion of cyberpunk and Chinese martial arts.
The punchline is Uncle Kaliya from Fate/Zero.
Rozen Maiden
One of the games created by Gen Urobuchi under the influence of ToHeart. What's going on in Gen Urobuchi's head?


2 years ago

glad you agree with the review, dunno if you're missing much by not playing past the 10 hour mark. the early game has a much more rigorous combat paradigm, but it's almost to the game's detriment given that breaking open combat is what makes the game so entertaining.

also regarding detroit become human: i think there's a backlash to it from a western cultural perspective given that it clumsily presents AI liberation through the lens and taxonomy of the black experience. there's also just a general distaste of david cage's work over here... though i think DBH is considered one of his better works

2 years ago

I think 10 hours of play time might have been too low an estimate. Maybe 20 hours? Well, I can't say that I understood everything about CP2077 in such a small amount of time… Still, I had the impression that it wasn't a masterpiece or a good one. The last sentence, "Overall, a sketch of what could have been a really great game", says everything I want to say (laughs).
In my opinion, the biggest complaint is that the game doesn't improve on what was wrong with The Witcher 3 at all. Especially the level design and the balance of the game with equipment. In fact, I think that CP2077 may not even need the concept of experience or level.
...I can't help it if I don't send my computer for repair, though. (sigh)

Persona series and Life is Strange are typical, but I wonder if it's inevitable that games set in the present day will have a rough topic? In that respect, I've to think that Hideo Kojima is very good at winning people's hearts and minds in comparison.
Anyway, thank you very much for telling me something that is difficult to say.

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