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Latios212 reviewed Dragalia Lost
My second gacha game, after Fire Emblem Heroes. It was very generous with the amount of free summons and content available, but it was also extremely grindy. I didn't care much for the gameplay itself (and how it performed on mobile), but I did enjoy building characters and collecting collectibles and I have fond memories playing this in multiplayer. The devs put so much work into the events and quality of life improvements that it's sad to see the game shut down. I hope Nintendo and Cygames use the IP again one day, because I like the characters.

14 days ago

Latios212 reviewed Cadence of Hyrule: Crypt of the NecroDancer Featuring the Legend of Zelda
Zelda music is awesome of course, but I didn't enjoy this one as much as I was expecting to. Maybe I was just expecting it to be more of a rhythm game; I didn't care for the combat and exploration that much.

14 days ago

14 days ago

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