Coming from an amazing game, expectations with this one are high, and while it definitely delivers a fun experience, fixes some mistakes from FES, and elevates a couple of characters with 10/10 performances, it unfortunately falls flat in many other regards, some characters got the short end of the stick in regards to their writing and a couple events they're involved on, feeling more like plain exposition than the usual Persona writing that makes you feel more attached to the characters. Another issue would be the artistic direction, leaving much to be desired in comparison with the original 2D animated cutscenes.
Despite all, it's still Persona 3, in my opinion, the best of the Persona games, and it's a very valid remake, definitely a must play if you're interested. It might start slow, but the characters in this game and the events that unfold throughout the journey will stay with you forever.
Please, finish The Sun social link, it's one of the best things gaming has produced.

Simply one of the best games ever produced.
Not much to say about it without writing for an hour, massive RPG, with in depth decision making, dialogue options, and character creation (Although the customization is lacking a bit).
Seriously, this is a game everyone should play at least once in their lives, despite the amount of information and menus it has, it's somehow pretty self explanatory and intuitive. But of course, it's still an overwhelming experience for first players and is not recommended for people who haven't played many games.
Once again, please make yourself a favor and play this game, it's worth it.

Persona 5 is such an interesting case, as it's amazing as a final product, and upon finishing first playthrough you can only love everything this game gives you, from the amazing music, to the creative character design, to an interesting story full of great themes and lovely characters. BUT, once you tap into the rest of the Persona games, and get back to it, it starts falling apart, you can see the holes in it's writing, it's empty characters, unexplored themes, among other things putting it down.
Style over substance, would be my way to put this game, a lot of great ideas, but very few really explored and some explored very poorly.
This is an amazing game, objectively, and Maruki is worth every minute you spend playing this game, but it's definitely a weak entry for the persona franchise.

Great horror experience, they were onto something and they knew it, the concept of taking photos of ghosts to fend them off, mixed with the tank controls, and the lack of healing items from the second half of the game created a deeply stressful experience that I will hardly forget, basically a 10/10 horror game.
Great camera work, serviceable story, creepy as a game can be, short length and a good introduction to a great saga, just don't start your survival horrors with this one, the lack of objects, especially healing does get pretty hard on the second half, so be mindful of that and plan accordingly.

I'm sorry for the team who worked on this, I loved so much this experience, but Druckmann saying some disgusting comments about Palestinians make me give this score, I can't support this, even if it's a 5/5 for me.

It's a decent experience, and a fun game at times, but it's been going for so long and it gets stingy with the gacha system at times, I don't hate it, and I know there is a lot of work behind the world, designs, writing, and voice acting, but I feel like they're stretching it as much as they can.

I don't think it's that good.

I have like 900 hours on this, and if you have friends to play with it's one of the best experiences you can have, can't recommend it enough.
Just you and your friends, some mods, and a friday night, that's all you need folks, enjoy life.