My favorite way to replay Doom 1 is a WAD that replaces Doom Guy with Hank Hill from King of The Hill and the chainsaw with a lawn mower.

I have my copy of Black Mesa modded to Hell and back with Workshop Content I've fiddled with for hours to get to all work correctly and I can confirm
This is my favorite way to experience the story of Half-Life 1. I never get tired of replaying through Black mesa

It's a Mario game I don't gotta tell you it's good

I have no idea why this is here of all websites but

It alright

My favorite character is one that appears for like a solid 1 minute and he's like the only thing I retained after reading it

Biased as fuck I played this as a kid but all these years later I still love and adore this game, 100%'d it and had a blast. Recommended by #1 Ghostbusters fan