Biggest Disappointments For Me

A simple, straightforward list of games that disappointed me for some reason (aside from "being bad"). I hope I won't have to add more games to it in the future...

Actually bought this game at launch day, since there was so much hype around it weeks before release already and it was praised as the "Destiny killer". As a huge Destiny fan at the time, I couldn't possibly miss out on this game.

Yeah, go figure the rest.
Many years ago, Life is Strange 1 actually used to be my favorite game, it was the first game where I actually cried. Life is Strange 2 was enjoyable too, so naturally I was looking forward to True Colors, but didn't get it on release, as I was busy with other things.

Some time passed and the general reception of the game online became quite positive, that was reassuring to hear and I would eventually buy it. Unfortunately I ended up hating the game for the writing and extremely sparse use of Alex' superpowers, but I can definitely see how people are having a good time with it (especially if they're not coming from past Life is Strange games).
Same case as True Colors, another big game in one of my favorite franchises gets announced. But this time it's a Zelda game and since I loved Breath of the Wild I could only hope for Tears of the Kingdom to be even better and preordered it.

Don't get me wrong, I had a great time with TotK in the time I played it, but in retrospective it never stood out that much to me. I still believe it has way too much content for it's own good and the Depths and Sky Islands are a lot more shallow than they were originally advertised, so it's more of a letdown after the honeymoon has already passed here.


Funny how this list is sort of similar to mine except replace lis3 with lis2 and totk with botw

3 months ago

I really liked BotW, but I'm honestly still not sold on TotK. Part of it is me missing the classic Zelda formula, but mostly because TotK just appears to be more of the same as BotW. I'm not sure if I'm ready to dive into another massive game that feels too familiar

3 months ago

Agreed on Totk. Burns bright, but burns itself out much faster after the novelty wears off

3 months ago

i really liked LiS:TC but i have not played the other LiS games. really enjoyed the setting and characters and honestly i liked that the superpoeer stuff took a backseat

3 months ago

@pixelsaturn I'm glad to hear that. I can't judge how someone who didn't play past entries of the series would see it, so I'm just gonna tell you I was disappointed specifically because some directions the story went were copy pasted from the older games and those also had a way bigger emphasis on the superpowers (especially Life is Strange 1), which was really refreshing. I'd recommend LiS 1 if you liked TC, since having a rewind mechanic in a choice based game is so cool from the narrative standpoint, as there are many cases where you'd have to choose the lesser evil in important decisions!

3 months ago

Anthem ....yeah. I tried the beta with friends and just went nope, the first person base perspective, framerate, weapons, it all felt borked. My friends bought it at launch and boy did they regret it haha.

Life is Strange is as a series hit and miss to me so far, I like the setting and music a lot in the first one but hate the story and characters, especially Chloe. I came to Before the Storm late expecting nothing but kind of loved it and actually got hit in the feels a hell of a lot there as well as the extra episode. I really want to play True Colours....I'll try to bump it up the list.

2 months ago

Pretty much fully agree with Tears of The Kingdom. I was excited for it, played it, after about eighty-five hours and seeing the ending, I had no desire whatsoever to go back to it. Feels like a downgrade to Breath of The Wild in a lot of aspects, and as you put it, the sky and depths feel devoid of any significance save for one instance I thought was actually pretty interesting. Good list, glad there's not too many entries for it!
Gonna go agasint the grain of this comment section and say that TOTK easily is the best open world game ever (and i dont even think its close) and my favourite game of all time. Sorry to hear that you found it disappointing

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