I mean, it's league. Its fun for a while but i recommend just dropping it early. I might return to it at some point.

Dont know how this went that much under the radar. Should've won indie game of the year. Though im going to give it a lower rating due to some issues they havent solved for a longggg while.

Played it a long while ago, but i do have to admit, despite it being a really good game, its just miles better to watch it then to play it yourself.

A very funny, fun and unique game. Probaly the most chill and fun time i've had in a while, the dlc makes it even more fun. Strong recommend.

Honestly, I really tried to make a good ammount of progress. Despite being a rogue-like fan this didnt really hook me despite the start of it being super fun. I do recommend it though.

Until you avoid being competetive its very fun with friends, though i only play it with friends so im putting it on shelved.

funny demon waifu game for an hour or two

Mixed feelings, heard it gets super good later, but didn't get into it yet. For now this rating fits until i get hooked back on.

Completed the game twice, quite litteraly one of the best games made out there to this day. Strong recomendation especially if youre into souls likes.

with the variety of games outfits and stuff to do in general its definetly a 5/5. But due to the company being extreeeeemely horrible, im giving it a lower rating.


Really cool game until you decide to never shower again. Basically the best option for ryhtm game players.

Probably the best one of them all. Despite being competetive somehow remains fun.

Its fun, the exp grind isnt as tedious as in BTD 6 but it still has most problems 6 has.

Amazing game honestly, kind of at a skill wall atm so holding it until i get the motivation to come back.