4 reviews liked by LizardestBethany

I am writing this review before finishing the game, because I want to wait until the last 2 weapons are released

Boyfriend dungeon is a pretty good game.
The combat is fine, but nothing groundbreaking.
The music and sound design are fine, the character creator is simple but fun, and getting to customize yourself with outfits and hats is pretty fun too.
The game's goal of using the weapon mechanic to make you spend more time with your romance options than you would in a typical visual novel works excellently, with only 6 dates you feel like you really got to know a character, thanks to the time you spent fighting monsters together.
Valeria's route was excellent, my clear favorite (for now)
Rowan's and Sawyer's route were both great, though Rowan felt a bit too much like a caricature at the beginning (and also they were much more obscure to find than they needed to be)
I wasn't really interested in Isaac, Sunder, or Seven personality wise, but they were hot, and I'm sure other people enjoy dating them.
I wasn't very interested in befriending a cat in a dating sim, so didn't really do much with Pocket.

The game's pacing is a bit shit. You get stuff leading to the final quest after reaching rank 5/6 with one character. If you (like me) focused on one character early on and were planning on leveling the others later on, you spend more than half of the game with "summer nearly over" and a dangerous threat breathing down your neck (but not really doing anything) and no more main story. I feel like a good alternative trigger could have been rank 6/6 with one weapon or 5/6 with 2 weapons.

The game also could have been a bit longer. Not in a "I paid X amount of money for this and only played this for Y amount of hours, so it's a ripoff" way, I just didn't feel like I could really appreciate each weapon's mechanical uniqueness properly.

I greatly appreciate the game's representation, especially its polyamorous representation, though I wish it would have been possible to be an aromantic protagonist (it's possible to be asexual which is cool)

Overall, Boyfriend Dungeon is a perfectly alright game that you'll probably have a fun time playing. At least if you're pansexual, no idea how appealing this game is if you're only attracted to some of the characters in the first place.

Oh, and mind that trigger warning at the beginnig. Stalking features pretty heavily in the game.

A fun beat-em-up that can range from relaxing power fantasy to tough challenge depending on your chosen difficulty. The story is very bad and confusing, but the characters are very enjoyable.
There are some painfully bad gimick levels, but if you can look past those, the remaining levels have some super fun combat that lets you experiment with the many many combos the game offers.
Bayonetta is a fairly sexualized character, but there are only a couple of uncomfortable male gaze scenes, and apart from those, it makes the game even more of a power fantasy to me.
Oh, also the music slaps.

I was looking forward to another story with the characters of Persona 5. And the story is pretty good. However, the combat is simultaneously too chaotic and too boring. I barely have an idea what's going on so I'm just button mashing and that's just not very interesting. And in 90% of all fights I can beat them like that with no issue whatsoever. Using the environment is interesting but too gimmicky and too strong. There were combats I didn't have to bother with fighting at all, I just skateboarded through everything. Also, there are too many fights. Going from one place to another takes forever because you get attacked a billion times on the way there.

It's the most innovative shooter I've played in years!
This isn't only what the game told me to tell you, but also my genuine opinion on the game. I've never played anything like it. The gameplay is amazing, closer to a puzzle game than a traditional shooter. The story is also surprisingly intere... I mean there's no story, just shooting red guys