You have no idea how hard it was to remember the name of this game. It has been so long since I've last played it. This was one of my favorite pastime games whenever I went to the library. It's cool to see that this game has still been updated for this long.


What an interesting but tiring game. It is an arcade game ported to console. So you already know what that means.

Your goal is to get the green duck through each level safely for 80 levels. Yep, if you want to beat this game get ready to sacrifice several hours of your life. Especially with the fact that you have lives and credits to boot. Hoo boy!

TBH, it isn't a bad game. It kind of plays like a stealth game, where you avoid and dodge enemies and try to take them out before they do so to you. You can pick up fruits to get points, and get power-ups that make the levels harder or easier. And that in a sense can be very fun. It provides a satisfying arcade loop, compared to others I've played, but unfortunately I have zero desire to beat 80 levels.

I do recommend trying it out though. it does look really good and plays really smooth. The one ost loop isn't god awful, so that's better than my prior experience.

I didn't even last a single second on normal......

It's sort of hard to rate this game especially since I'm new to the genre. But it felt really fun, when PPSSPP didn't drop frames. My only critique is that I wish there was a brake button, I pressed every single button and I didn't find it.

This one is a really weird for me. I want to like it really badly but I can't. The ingame models look great, attacks and supers look cool, and the aerial and close combats are an interesting idea.

The problem is the way the attacks are performed. In a fighting game, you have multiple button that do a different action that corresponds damage to the opponent and you uses those button together or one after another which pours dopamine to the brain. This set strings of attacks are called a combo; this is what the game lacks.

For example, the X button it punches, when I press it again it does the same action but this time it makes the opponent jump into the air. Your brain now want to press a different button to hit the opponent again to get a combo but guess what. It doesn't do a punch but instead it does a guard or counter. The only button that does a punch is 'X' and you can only press it twice. And that's the problem with this game. You just keep punching twice which leads to no substance.

The aerial fights have a bit more substance but not much. You can charge certain attacks and if you "spam" an attack like 4 or 5 times you get a small special attack animation.

But yeah that's really it. Unfortunate as it is, at least it's not god awful or feels poorly made.

This game is honestly not that bad but man oh man does the AI suck a lot.

I swear it's like reading my mind, every time I play I do a different strategy and it just somehow knows exactly what it is even before I DO. But this greatly upsets me because then I'm forced to restart and figure out something else only to inevitable fail again.

I pretty sure I've yet to beat a round with skill yet, It's just been luck after luck or the AI decides to go stupid randomly. That's the problem though, I don't feel like I'm having fun because of that which makes it just hard to enjoy this.

This is probably the type of game where the enjoyment comes from facing a real opponent. So welp to me.

The improvements are honestly really good. Great job to the people who made it. You usually don't get that kind of love and support unless the game is super popular. So it always pretty cool to see.

This game kinda sucks, but is also weirdly charming. Some moves are really hard to do in the moment, especially hard if you're use to modern fighting games. Though it can be pretty standard too since there's like only 4 moves in the game plus 1 special.

I don't think I'll ever play it again but it was nice to experience an SNES fighting game.

...I guess

I have no idea how to start this...

It's not a bad game, it's honest quite fun and could be really addicting under the right circumstances. But man...doing all 5 master ranks was a pain in the neck. It's like the beginning was a hour long tutorial and the master ranks were the final bosses. Except the tutorial did not teach you all the things the final bosses that can.

I won't call it frustrating because it isn't. It's just really annoying. I recommend this game but just beware master rank, it might ruin your enjoyment of the game.

Hoo boy, another Ben 10 computer game. Good news fortunately, this one is better than the last Ben 10 game I played. Bad news, it doesn't work on the official website and it's got janky mouse controls.

I actually had to play this game on a different website. So everything is all good, right? Wrong. Seems like the only way for this game to work is to speed up the fps and turn up the brightness way too goddamn high. Great....

Janky mouse controls plus speed up gameplay with an old computer game and guess what you get. A pretty bad time. The toughest Cartoon Network game I've played so far and it wasn't even it's fault.

But it was surprising fun. It played like pong but had power-ups (the aliens) and boss fights (well only 2 but still). Not a fan of limited lives, especially in this situation but it made me play way more carefully and give full attention than I probably would have.

I had to think when playing this, that was crazy. But I still got screwed thanks to the janky mouse controls here and there. So unless you like pong with some spice, it's probably best to stay away from this game.

I played this before on mobile and I had completely forgotten about it. Since it on the Cartoon Network Website, I intrigued to play this to find out why I had forgot it's existence. And it became apparent in the very first minute.

It's an arcade style game. Where you just playing to get a high score and that's it. There's nothing wrong with arcade style games, it's the way in which they perform the high score gameplay loop that matters. Such as different terrains/backgrounds, power-ups, good music and fun gameplay that make players want to continue playing to get a high score than their previous run.

This game completely lacks that. The background stays the same boring green park area. It never changes at all. The music is just some dude screaming their head off with electric guitars in the back. It's a continuous loop and let's just say that it's not appealing whatsoever. The gameplay is just a standard jump, double jump, and slide. Power-ups are the most interesting part of this game. Some help you to avoid obstacles without you having to press a button for a set amount of time. Others make it so you can double or triple your score if you never miss a collectible or health. But one interesting quirk in a game with several average ideas are not gonna save an arcade style game. This probably would have been better if it took the level select route, especially if it wasn't going to make itself worthwhile.

This is basically my long-winded way of saying this game is some trash and you'd be better off never typing the game's name in the search bar.

So I kind of got into the mood to check out more Cartoon Network computer games. And this is an orangutan-sized buggy, janky, crappy game. Wow this game was awful. Running and jumping animations incredible slow as hell. Loading into a new stage and getting hit for half or all your health before you can even move. Bosses straight up one-shotting you just because. Though I will say you can also cheese the bosses and enemies just the same. So that gets it half a star. Whether or not if it was intended, I absolutely do not recommend this. I can't believe I waste a whole minute and a half putting this game up on IGDB.

Wow, I forgot this game existed. Not a bad game but not a memorable one either.

Yo this is such blast from the past. I remember when I was attempting to play every Cartoon Network game at the library. This was one of my favorites. I just replayed through it and yep still as fun. The combo system is so much fun because of how janky it is. I recommend it if you're into beat-em-ups, it's only 3 levels long.

Just noticed that I wrote my review on the wrong Wii U party game. Whoops, anyways.
Played this a couple of times at my friend's house back in the day. It was fun but I just wish it had more minigames.