Swimming is literally awful, everything after Act 8 is stupid and dumb
What a pain for no damn reason
But I beat the main objective and that's all that I care about


This game hella janky. Sometimes I would hit the ball too hard and then other times I would hit it perfectly fine but I didn't do anything different. These sports games on the NES honestly suck.

This game was pretty damn fun, finished at lvl 49, never needed to grind nor did I. I really like the Spirit System, it made for some chaotic plays during boss battles but it helped make them memorable. I will say some bow and arrow puzzles were a bit of a pain sometimes but nothing absolutely awful or anything. The music is amazing, they did a great job, I didn't find a single track that I disliked. The areas being separated by stages were cool, especially since you could backtrack and explore other paths. I liked the story of Deedlit even if I was lost on some detail since I didn't watch the anime before playing. I'm interested in watching it though so maybe at some point. I recommend this regardless, a beautiful game with a relatable story.

A problem I had with the game was that it's a bit glitchy sometimes. Like if the enemy wasn't more than 85% on screen my arrow would go right through them and they wouldn't take any damage. In one of the boss fights, when the boss was attacking with a blue attack and I switch to the blue spirit but still took some damage for some reason. It never happened again but that was weird.

I don't remember much about this game expect for the fact that the controls felt absolutely terrible

I absolutely love it when a game lets me do super cool moves and combos by just button mashing. It helps me understand what moves do what and makes me feel like I'm having a good time. This game feels extremely smooth which just makes playing feel like so much fun. A perfect world would be if this game was released on modern consoles with rollback.

Played my friend's copy of the game for a bit. Not something I would enjoy but I can tell it''s a good game. I also watched Chugga's playthrough of this game, it was pretty funny and informative

Unfortunately I had played this when online was cut off but it wasn't that bad. A bit slow but I'm pretty sure that just part of the genre

Yeah this game feels awful to play. Not even remotely fun, it's just way too stiff. No idea why every button but the X button does the same thing, gave me Balan Wonderworld flashbacks and I never even played that game.

This game looks and plays pretty badly. It's also a roguelite so that's a negative. Yeah, I'm just not a fan especially compared to other roguelites I've played

It's a good kid's game, I just wish you had the ability to skip cutscenes you've already seen.

This game is pretty damn fun. A bit floaty and control scheme kinda awkward at certain points but I see myself playing this for a good while.

Edit: Well that was a lie. Haven't touched this since August 2022 lol

Plastic Man was only ever cool in this game

For First-Time players: For the love of god please read Hint Card 3, it will save you from annoyance later I promise

Actual Review: I absolutely love this game. I love all the nods to SOTN. The ost in this game is my favorite from all I've played and the story was pretty good as well. I'd recommend to any Metroidvania lovers, it's honestly fantastic. I also had fun collecting all the furniture, I'd definitely would live in that room.

Wow this game plays worst than Wii
This is truly a new low
This series doesn't want me to like it at all I suppose