This has got to be the most cheesiest B movie game I've ever played. But I loved it. The game was honestly something special. I did not expect anything this game had to offer in it's plot.

Mostly because I...uh didn't play the first game. This has to be like the third or fourth time I've done this. I personally don't search up information about a game because I wanna go in blind. Sure I played the demo but it gave a completely different feel from the full game. Anyways back to my feelings on the game.

The music was ok, I didn't hate it but I can't say I had a song I really liked or love. The dungeon design was pretty lame, they were just simple paths (sometimes with puzzles) and splits leading to the treasure. And that was it, so yeah dungeon exploring is one of the worst part of this game. The second and last worst part of the game is random encounters. They're all ready annoying, especially on hard. I literally just grinded up a bunch in the ghost place and then turned off encounters for the rest of the game (aside one other area).

Now onto the gameplay. It was fantastic, I loved playing with classes and the Bravely/Default mechanic. I loved it so much I decided I was going to 100% this game. Unfortunately that resulted in burnout. So while I was burnt out from this game I had started and finished FFV before finishing this game. So I can comment on which game did the class system game the best.
Both. They are really good in their own ways. I genuinely cannot choose one over the other.

Second to last, the story. I will say the pacing pretty rough. Especially with them giving a just cause for every "villain". It can get pretty long and odd within the monologues. But regardless, it was alright. It gave me B movie vibes as I said before but it didn't downright ruin anything for me. I actually like the side quest stories way more than the main one, not gonna lie. They had a heavy amount of intrigue to them, especially the E's and Yew's finales.

Finally the characters. They were pretty damn good. I really loved how easy it was to see and tell they were friends with each other with needing side events. Seems to be something that's hard for stories to do for some reason. And party chat and camp event, were pretty fun. I will say I got kind of tired of the food joke tropes after the first time but I'm just not a fan of that trope. I really loved E and Magnolia. They felt really well written. Not that Yew and T didn't , they had their share of cool moments too. I just enjoyed E and Magnolia more.

Either way TLDR I still plan on 100% this game. I truly did have a fun time. And would recommend anyone to play this, especially the side quests. And yes I plan on playing the first game.

This game was pretty damn cool. So simple but so unique at the same time. I can't believe this is a Coolmathgames I missed. It also pretty quick to clear, took me about 17 minutes. I'm sad I was 1% away from getting the 100% of map cleared but oh well.
I definitely recommend this fun creation to anyone

Honestly I really liked this game. The gameplay is pretty addicting. Like seeing the specials, criticals and awakening constantly felt really good. I will say the most of the character were pretty fun to play as except for Pegasus characters, which was pretty sad since they are my favorite class. I do wish the roster was better though. I needed other characters from the rest of the series.

I used Lianna, Lissa, Tiki, and Camilla. I'm surpirsed I enjoyed playing as Camilla but honestly all the magic casters were weirdly insanely fun to play as.

The story is pretty generic but whatever, I had too much fun with the gameplay to care or complain.
I do wish the game was more difficult though. I played every stage on hard but it felt like I was on easy the entire time.

My friend and I played this hardest difficulty and it was fine for the most part. Episode 13's boss can go to hell for being straight up annoying. I can't say I had the upmost fun with this game, it's a bit too repetitive for me. Maybe it would have been fun with more people but I feel like that's the game's fault.

Aside from that the artstyle of the game looks great, music is ok, and VA was pretty off.

I probably would have been more critical of the game if I had bought it. But I played it on gamepass so it didn't feel like I wasted anything.

The combat system is boring. The story is boring. Most of the quest are boring. The dialogue is boring. Dungeon exploring is boring. The puns are annoying and boring. The ending is boring.

This game is honestly too simple in literally everything. It's just so incredibly bare and boring. There's honestly not that much else to say about this game.

This is really boring. Combat and walking is so slow. The boss fights are annoying. And craft can be obtuse, So no thank you, I'm done.

I remember downloading it and playing it once. Then I just forgot about it for some reason and it just disappeared. And I now know why.
It didn't seem that bad for the 10 mins I played it for but I literally wouldn't know


I really liked this game, it's clever and super short. Using the SHIFT button to change the stage around to reach the door was fun puzzle solving even though it was incredible easy. The music sucks though, it's some weird buzzing sounds that loops every 30 seconds. I just muted it and played Shibuya Underpass in the background (, it fits the game surprisingly well.

It's not a bad game at all but it is a boring one. Until the last chapter anyways, I'm starting to think I've out grown these types of game though. I probably would have enjoyed this more if I had played this game when I cared for Pokemon. But now after playing I just feel empty because nothing felt gripping but that's only the fault of growing up. I don't wish to be a child again but I will miss my low sense of enjoyment I had back then.

It's a great first attempt at making a game. It's only 30 mins long so I recommend giving it a try.

This game isn't fun. It's full of grueling platforming and pathetically annoying boss fights. I genuinely can't tell you a time where I was happy to be playing this game. First off, controls are the epitome of a clenched buttocks, it is so stiff for absolutely no reason but to make you feel uncomfortable. Action games' combat (to me) are to suppose to be like you're dancing, everything is swift and there is room for error. This game's combat was not that at all and quite literally made an already awful platformer unbearable.
I will say the game's areas and ost were pretty good, the story is lame and generic which is fine but I rather the final boss have a personality rather than just I hate everything because the script says I do.

I absolutely loved the characters and NPCs. I honestly liked the sidequests. They weren't a pain to do and it gave me insight into the NPCs which I've come to appreciate in the recent years. Trails FC NPCs are still #1 as my favorite but this game's at least somewhere in the top 5. I will say the combat kinda sucks but link attacks did helped to make it slightly fun. Whoever told me this game plays like Ys is a liar though, they must have known I would play anything similar to Ys. Garoo is my favorite party member, his and CJ's back and forth were fun and his reasons and desires towards Isha's thoughts were very interesting. Overall a bit of a rash but soft-hearted kangaroo. I'm very intrigued for the sequel and honestly very willing trying out Suikoden too.

The music is awful, even if it's a demo that doesn't mean it won't be similar to it. Adding memes as the humor to this game isn't a bad take, it's honestly the only interesting thing about the game. Trying to spot all the memes you recognize can be fun in moderation. Not to much of a fan of the gameplay, it plays mostly like Slay the Spire. Personally wouldn't recommend it unless you want to see the memes or play a similar game to Slay the Spire.

The gameplay is honestly not that bad, I'm just confused with the decision to add so many random new things for a game with a complete story. I never felt like 6 needed anything extra. It complied all the lore of 3, 4 and 5 pretty well. I feel like I would "enjoy" it more if it was a new story. I don't even mind the fact that we don't play as Adol, it just feels so odd specifically because original game tells the full story already.

This game was incredible fun, I did not expect this level of excitement or pizzazz, the cover of game doesn't not give it justice at all. I will say the further I got in the game the more I found it tiring but I still had the same level of fun and enjoyment if that makes any sense.
The music is ok, not my type of tune but it fit with the atmosphere.
The enemies were no problem since I was normal except one. The goddamn gun enemies, I had more fun fighting my depression that I ever will fighting these losers. If I could decrease the amount of damage they did to me I would feel a lot more satisfied. Especially since there's a ton of them at a time and they have deadeye for some reason.
I will say the truck/motorcycle levels suck because the aiming sucks. If they fixed that, I think I would definitely be more willing replay this game.