I think Bennet Foddy thought that pitfalls in videogames are unfair: there's always something to grab on during a fall. But, at least for this game's rules, it depends on the magnitude of said fall and the direction you're falling.
It's more entertaining to appreciate this the more you understand the cauldron, the man inside it, the lever-hammer he holds and the spacial conception of the architecture around these three "things" to interact with.
Because you cannot die, every state and mean of victory and failure becomes a discovery of its own, and something to contemplate (and move on). That's what this platformer has that makes it stand up for me.

First competent playthrough and haven't finished it yet, but having reached the demon war stages... I don't think that it would ever deserve less than this.
I don't know if I want to know everything about this game or not. It's enchanting.

First farming sim that I'm interested in.

Not gonna lie, it's quite intriguing to start new playthroughs and find shells of your own self eventually to make it a part of your own again.
It's not mandatory to do that and ignore it (ignore you), but if you do it, it kinda looks like the search of the Dragon Balls. Like you're using a radar and everything, moreso.

Well, between 4.1 and 4.2, these stars sum up the entirety of the full adventure. A crude one. Probably the entry that is about the MC more than any other up until this point, and I liked it a lot.
If Rance II is about sexual comedy in crescendo, this would be quite the opposite: starting with comedy and ending up in disgust. It's an experience, really.

Spanish review: https://lablogdeloto.wordpress.com/2022/06/15/angel-army-rance-4-1-rance-4-2-rance-8-3-notable/
English review: https://lablogdeloto.wordpress.com/2022/06/16/angel-army-rance-4-1-rance-4-2-rance-8-3-above-average-grade-around-80-to-85/

The best way to summarize the atmosphere of this game is that I was equally hooked by the happy weather TV girl's scientific explanations about fog, rain, snow and tornadoes as I was about the main plot.

La mejor forma de resumir la atmósfera que se siente es que sepáis que estaba tan absorto en las explicaciones científicas de la chica del tiempo sobre la formación de niebla, lluvia, nieve y tornados como lo estaba en la trama.

En 100 palabras, como Tevis Thompson ha hecho a veces:

La pretensión de dirigir el videojuego a un medio que cuenta historias lleva a decisiones comparables a mezclar dos colores para hacer uno nuevo. Rance I es amarillo, II es azul y III, por la combinación, verde. De hecho, hay más azul que amarillo porque se siente como si II aún no hubiera acabado. Y en proporción, la cantidad de personajes nuevos en este nuevo periplo del brutal Rance es reducida. Rance III es un Greatest Hits quizá demasiado prematuro, que pone escaso empeño en sus sistemas pero que, sin embargo, apuesta por un interesante futuro narrativo para la saga.

Not sure what to think of it. Looks like it wants to look good but really isn't that much? The giant mechs are bosses and levels at the same time, but everything is actually a moving architecture, so in the end, most of the mechs don't look like robots at all. At least not intelligent ones. I abandoned the game in a point where it seemed like the more abilities I had, the less interesting the mechs were becoming.
And as for the NPCs in the hud, isn't it jarring when you see a total decompensation in where the development efforts were focused and where were not? It's a waste of curiosity. I'm pretty sure Hideyuki Suganami, Alien Soldier's creator, would have taken the hud away and had found a way to fight 2, 3 or 4 giant mechs per level.

That's it. This is the one. My Spanish review is up here: https://lablogdeloto.wordpress.com/2022/04/24/rance-ii-rebellious-maidens-un-problema-extrano-en-medio-de-la-nada/
If I translate it, I'll probably erase this log. If not, just an edit. Hope you like it!

Clumsy, but interesting nontheless.
My full Spanish review is here (with spoilers). If I translate it, I'll erase this log.

Very very good. Not counting Getting Over It, I've never played a traditional 2D platformer that is centered around a non-traditional controller for this kind of genre: the mousepad.
Right click is for jumping, but this is reduced to a simple action that makes the other two shine: grappling and movement itself. Due to these two features, I'd say that the true arquitecture is not physical: it's what you are able to do in midair and being conscious about it. Unfortunately, maybe this wasn't as explored as it could've been, but it's a phenomenal project nonetheless.

I encourage you to play it. It's free.