This game never should have existed and it's clear that RE3 remake was a side project - they put their time into this abomination of a multiplayer game no one ever wanted or asked for. It's almost like Outbreak, except Outbreak was innovative and good.

This game is what happens when you sell your studio to EA and cash their check. Generals is like a 3D remake of Red Alert 2: Yuri's Revenge, keeping all of the absolute worst parts and doing almost nothing new with the formula . Especially nothing good. It was funny to play at the time but a good game it was not.

FF11 was a decent early MMO if you ignore that dying makes you level down. I personally quit because you can't alt tab on PC without crashing the game. Any MMO that forces you to actually play the MMO is bad.

The first good Total War with proper firearm combat. Tons of campaigns, DLC and more gameplay than you'll ever finish.

I feel like this probably would have been on par with OG Red orchestra (the mod, the best of the Red Orchestras) but the maps make it almost impossible to actually see an enemy past 12 feet and you spend more time teamkilling than not, because everyone looks identical.

I took off a half star because Square Enix, in their boundless incompetence, released a port that literally runs worse than the original game did. The framerate is atrocious and just like the Trigger release on PC, the game is essentially unplayable without mods.

R6 is the absolute shit. The level of tactical control and the amount of experimentation you could do mixed with being on the edge of tactical third person/first person shooter gaming when this came out made it an unforgettable experience.

Boring as all hell. Frustrating game mechanics like the raiding. Laughable, pitiful graphic design - the Anvil engine has terrible lighting and some of the UI elements like for the drinking games are pathetic and it's hard to believe an international massive company like Ubisoft thought they were acceptable. Full of bugs. Worst of all the game has way too much content, like Odyssey but twice as bad and a fourth of the fun.

A short but fun horror platformer with minor puzzle solving, boss fights, and beautiful in game art that has some scary moments. The boss fights are about half fun, half frustrating. The story is steeped in Nordic and Germanic folklore and the game has an excellent soundtrack, culminating in a predictable yet gratifying final fight that features one of the most famous pieces of classical music ever composed.

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The single most frustrating DLC in the entire Mass Effect franchise. On normal difficulty it's forgivable. Arrival pits Shephard alone against an entire base full of indoctrinated Cerberus morons where 99% of this mission is just shooting room after room after hallway of dudes and eventually mechs as you try to crash an asteroid into a mass relay that the Reapers are going to come through any moment to start their invasion.

This DLC ties in directly to the beginning of Mass Effect 3 and explains why Shephard has been stripped of his rank, command and ship. It's cool but it's also just a pain and should have been included with the original game.

Honestly the pinnacle of NBA games. Kind of pitiful that no company, especially 2K, can figure out how to make a good NBA game again. Even Playgrounds 1 and 2 and the modern version of NBA Jam suck in comparison.

The best C&C game until Red Alert 2 came out but still the best main-story Command and Conquer. Big ass mechs, small mechs, medium mechs, Obelisks of Light, tunneling NPCs, Banshees, what more can you honestly ask for from an RTS.

Absolute joke of a game. This port was full price and not only that but it didn't even include the newest version of the games that the SNES version did. This is a ROM of the original release version on SNES that is 5 megabytes on a disc that could fit several hundred copies of this game and then still have room left over for the entire SNES and NES library. And it was priced $60 for a 20 year old game.

The game itself is stellar - a collection of the Super Mario games including Super Mario World, Mario 2 etc. But if you thought Super Mario 3D All Stars was shameless profiteering, this was way worse.

One of the best RTS games ever made without a doubt, Rise of Nations was legendary and foundational to the genre. RoN combines Age of Empires style gameplay and resource management with a Civ-like city/territory system in which building or conquering cities expands your borders, economy, military strength, building area and trade routes. You can choose different types of government that come with their own benefits, setbacks, and hero units, all against the familiar backdrop of an age race to get the best technology fist.

Though this series is dead, you can see its mechanics used in later games like Empire Earth III, Cossacks and more. And it was re-released on Steam with achievement support and functional matchmaking so it's still current.

I took off a whole star because this DLC makes your controller rumble literally the ENTIRE time, and there's no option to turn it off.