Dreadfully boring game. I'm not sure how we let R* get away with stuff like this. It wasn't even fun - it was like Dead Rising without a story or interesting mechanics and with humans instead of zombies.

Simply not a good game. Plagued by stupid design that was popular at the time - namely monster closets - and bad guns that just didn't work well even if the shooting mechanics would have, which they also didn't. The entire last level is an infinite monster closet for example. It's worse than that, though, because instead of spawning off-screen in an actual corner or closet, Helghast legitimately spawn right on top of you in plain sight in the middle of a room. The one unique feature Killzone 1 had was also abandoned for the rest of the franchise - getting to choose one of four protagonists with different loadouts and combat styles. A lot of the guns had cool designs that reminded me a lot of Battletech TTG or Mechwarrior RPG, vaguely realistic but scifi at the same time, but they just didn't end up looking so cool on screen, either.


Absolute joke of a game. This port was full price and not only that but it didn't even include the newest version of the games that the SNES version did. This is a ROM of the original release version on SNES that is 5 megabytes on a disc that could fit several hundred copies of this game and then still have room left over for the entire SNES and NES library. And it was priced $60 for a 20 year old game.

The game itself is stellar - a collection of the Super Mario games including Super Mario World, Mario 2 etc. But if you thought Super Mario 3D All Stars was shameless profiteering, this was way worse.

Meh. The standout features of this expansion were the new art style and the new focus on gardening and cooking. The dungeons and raids were alright but monks are still a boring class.

Homefront's 2 hour campaign was a silly joke but this game had one of the most promising multiplayer components of any game on the cryengine.

Legion had some of the coolest shit in the history of the game in it. The entire intro questline, really the whole levelling experience, was epic. The dungeons were mostly awesome, as were Demon Hunters and the unlockable allied races like Nightborne and Void Elves. Artifacts were the coolest part until they were inevitably ruined for the storyline.

The game that led to Call of Duty. It was the best WW2 game to date at the time and still is one of the best WW2 games.

I never could beat this game and anyone who says they could I don't believe them. The controls in the fourth level when you fight the Dark Queen in here space ship are just absolutely horrible. But the three levels before that are awesome. You've got the movesets of both the toads and the dragons to choose from and simple classic beat'em up gameplay.

SC4 made some silly changes from 3000 that made it way easier but still a top tier city builder back in the day.

TOR actually was pretty fun to play and the clases felt different enough from normal MMO roles to be fun. My account got hacked so I never even reached level cap, but it was fun when the game was new.

This game was the most fun you could have with physics in a game until HL2 came out. Bouncing those little pygmy dudes around and deforesting the map with the chronosceptor was peak gaming. Oh and I guess the rest of the game was cool too.

BOOM SHAKA LAKKA LAKKA BOOM SHAKKA LAKKA LAKKA BOOM. The only better NBA game was the Tournament Edition re-release.

This game is what happens when you are inspired by Postal but don't actually have any funny or insightful commentary on society. The protagonist probably isn't wrong, but, has nothing to say, no character, and there's no point in anything that happens in the game. Just senseless graphic violence. If that was the point, the developer - who knowingly has ties to Nazi groups and has been made into a pariah - is wrong and misses the point of most media violence.

One of the best RTS games ever made without a doubt, Rise of Nations was legendary and foundational to the genre. RoN combines Age of Empires style gameplay and resource management with a Civ-like city/territory system in which building or conquering cities expands your borders, economy, military strength, building area and trade routes. You can choose different types of government that come with their own benefits, setbacks, and hero units, all against the familiar backdrop of an age race to get the best technology fist.

Though this series is dead, you can see its mechanics used in later games like Empire Earth III, Cossacks and more. And it was re-released on Steam with achievement support and functional matchmaking so it's still current.