Man I used to spend every day at my friends house it seemed like, and come home with blistered fingers after trying to bust out ultimate combos. Classic game.

This game was the most fun you could have with physics in a game until HL2 came out. Bouncing those little pygmy dudes around and deforesting the map with the chronosceptor was peak gaming. Oh and I guess the rest of the game was cool too.

Gall spaceport and Gall canyon suck. But the Hoth levels were cool and the Skyhook for sure.

Missing some of Metallica's best songs like Dyer's Eve but it was alright I guess.

Peak WoW before they completely ruined everything. Ulduar was kind of a stupid raid but everything else was 10/10 if you just gave up your attachment to the story making any sense or respecting the lore.

The only good Star Wars strategy game. This is basically Total War: Star Wars, with a grand campaign map, multiplayer, real time space and real time land battles. It's criminal that EA had the exclusive Star Wars license for so many years and never even tried to make an Empire at War 2. Sega - either CA or Relic - should get a chance to make a sequel to this game with as much Star Wars content as is being released since Disney bought it.

TOR actually was pretty fun to play and the clases felt different enough from normal MMO roles to be fun. My account got hacked so I never even reached level cap, but it was fun when the game was new.


Fun game to play with friends until you learn your friends are complete morons just before and after they kill you and make you lose weeks of loot.

BOOM SHAKA LAKKA LAKKA BOOM SHAKKA LAKKA LAKKA BOOM. The only better NBA game was the Tournament Edition re-release.

This game was unique in that it was a somewhat realistic post apocalyptic survival game while also being an action adventure plaformer. It's unfortunate it never got any kind of full length sequel.

The game that led to Call of Duty. It was the best WW2 game to date at the time and still is one of the best WW2 games.

SC4 made some silly changes from 3000 that made it way easier but still a top tier city builder back in the day.

Stellar follow up to the original Shogun, although the introduction of the food limit makes this game - and several other games released since - a bit frustrating. Tons of DLC including the stand-alone Fall of the Samurai and graphics that are still decent in 2023.

Still probably the best Source engine multiplayer game. Graphically it was superceded by Sandstorm but the gameplay is still the best version of Insurgency, with a better squad break down and additional classes. The gameplay isn't focused around big wide open maps that promote air support, either, but close urban fighting. Plus Source obviously is more stable than UE4.

One of the worst games I've ever played. Toads 2020' would be okay if it were actually a Battletoads game. As a reimagining, they nailed the actual Battletoads part. The progressively more complex enemy types and the background/foreground and puzzles are a cool change, but the problem is over half this game has nothing to do with Battletoads and is instead a whole lot of minigame garbage. The space minigame - not the space arcade parts - were the final straw for me. Absolute, early 2000s flash game Newgrounds trash.