49 Reviews liked by Lwan

I HATE horror and this is still kinda fun

o desespero e o humor na sua mais pura forma



This game is great! You play as a youngling that goes on a photography adventure. Everything is hella cute, sweet, and fun as you travel to multiple locations completing objectives to fill your sticker book. Lotsa light puzzles, interesting characters, and cute lil animals. Definitely recommend as this is one of my favorite indie titles recently. It also earned a BAFTA in 2022! 10/10

Eu fui jogar pensando que iria gostar, pq tenho boa tolerância pra bugs, e também porque gostei mais de Deathloop que Dishonored, que tem esse foco maior em ter um mundo aberto que o foco em stealth.

Subestimei demais as críticas ruins, consegui jogar apenas por algumas poucas horas. O combate é bem ruim, as habilidades do personagem que eu usava às vezes não tinha efeito nenhum. Todos os personagens tem uma habilidade de movimentação, que não serve pra muita coisa já que os vampiros se teletransportam pra perto de vc de qualquer jeito.

Metade do meu tempo jogando foi entrando em combate com alguns inimigos fracos, e de repente apareciam 3 vampiros fortes do nada perto de mim. É até possível vencer (eu estava jogando no modo hard), mas o fato de eles simplesmente aparecerem, especialmente à noite, e o fato de que quase não dão experiência (apenas as missões são relevantes pra exp), faz com que todo combate seja um trabalho sem sentido.

Além disso, os bugs são inúmeros. O mais comum é o perder todas as texturas. O jogo está sempre feio. Tem uma missão que eu tinha que achar algo. Quando eu achei, o jogo me deu a opção de apertar um botão para teleportar para a base, mas ao mesmo tempo spawnou diversos inimigos, como se a missão não tivesse acabado ainda. Como eu apertei o botão, eu simplesmente sumi enquanto eles corriam na minha direção...

Holy fuck. I can’t believe this was released. Everything that Arkane was known for was just missing here. Nothing is noteworthy and any comparisons you can make to other games of its genre or in general will always be negative. It’s not worth it, don’t play it. I will be amazed if they can somehow make even a mediocre game out of what they have here because I sincerely think that this game does not have what it takes to be a No Man’s Sky, FFXIV, etc. The 100% was painful btw, one of the worst I have ever done.

A fun 2D platformer but offers very similar gameplay to other New Super Mario Bros games. The focus on collecting coins is only interesting on a surface level.

Written on June 30, 2010

In Crysis Warhead, you assume the role of Jason Statham Psycho on his solo mission that takes place elsewhere on the island. His job is to find out what the KPA is secretly shipping and why is it such a secret. The story is much shorter than Crysis, comparable to Halo 3's single player. When I bought it was cheaper than Crysis and came with Crysis Wars. You don't need Crysis to play it either, as it is a standalone expansion.

Crysis Warhead is more action-packed than the original and is a bit harder with tougher aliens, and more Alien Hunters to boot.

Crysis Warhead presents various fixes to the original. It not only looks better, but with tweaks to the engine, it even runs better than Crysis.

Crysis Wars is the online component to Crysis Warhead and is much improved over the Multiplayer of Crysis. Crytek has recently opened up Crysis Wars to modding, allowing for possible implementation of a Single Player mode if they really needed one.

Difficulty: Easy

This was my first dive into the Persona series and it has been under my radar ever since Joker was introduced as a playable character in Super Smash Bros Ultimate.

I am usually not a J-RPG fan due to the overwhelming length of these games. What makes this worse for me is my OCD to finish a game before I start a new game and my drive to finish most games with 100% completion. This usually means that J-RPG games become a chore to finish and I can't usually enjoy them or I end up benching these games and never touching them again. However, Persona 5 Royal was such a refreshing game with elements of visual novels and daily life activities that switch up the flow of the game and kept me engaged till the very end.

The game starts off a bit odd as it starts from a section later in the story but from a narrative perspective, this was cleverly implemented as the mysterious relationship with Niijima Sae and the twist regarding the memory haze later on felt satisfying when the story unravelled towards the climax. I thought it was a bit of a spoiler on who joins the phantom thieves but I soon realised that so much is going on in the story and gameplay that you forget some details and it is not hindered by this choice of introduction. Although a nitpick, it was a bit disappointing when Arsene was introduced, only to be used as a fusion into a basic-looking persona for a mechanic guide & for Arsene to never come back (unless summoned). I also found little point in levelling up personas unless you found one you want to really keep as you can fuse or summon them into stronger ones with minimal effort.

However, the constant introduction of gameplay mechanics kept the gameplay from being simplistic and repetitive. The moment I thought I learnt everything about the game and mastered the mechanic, I found another that is most often useful to the progression of the game and making the battles more appealing.

The most visually striking aspect of the game is its UI, giving Persona 5 Royal a very original identity with a strong personality. The incredible jazzy & funky music complimented the visuals and gameplay, making the game a must play with sound on.

While the Mementos aspect of the game does remind me of a mystery dungeon game, I did not particularly enjoy this area as it starts off interesting but soon becomes dull and repetitive with no interesting rewards or quests. Most areas are basically the same and the bosses for each quest don’t feel worth the time to complete.

With that said, now I can understand why my friend was raving about this game a few years ago and I am ashamed that I dismissed his advice to play this game till now.

Gameplay: 4.5/5
Narrative: 4.5/5
Art Direction/Graphics: 5/5
Music: 5/5
Creativity: 4/5

Overall: 4.5/5

A rhythm game for people who suck at rhythm games.

Muse Dash controls very well, but to say this is not my sound or aesthetic is an understatement. I'm nowhere near "anti-anime" like many people I know, but I don't jive with the J idol music/Vtuber-core aesthetic.

Great for that one gooner in your life who somehow still hasn't played it, but there are certainly other rhythm games that fit my style/music preferences out there.

Tetris on the GB was amazing, and still is amazing. Its simple, has the perfect the movement, and is just a really good version of Tetris, being substantially better then even some of the newer Tetris games. A must play.

It's a special sort of game where I can utterly trash the story (seriously, I could barely make heads or tails of it) but it still was in serious contention for my 2022 GOTY. Prodeus is a Doom clone that feels more of a spiritual successor than anything, with briskly laid-out levels funneling the player through challenging, visually-appealing encounters that nevertheless make one feel powerful against the forces of sort-of-hell and... sort-of-heaven? Again, no clue was happening with the story there.