one of the coolest games out there

Machine girl went crazy on the soundtrack as well


pretty fun, used to be obsessed when i was younger

a perfect sequel to the first one

also id let Jean step on me

Every eastern european kids childhood

could grind for hours and it would run on every potato pc lol
super fun back in the goold old days, nowadays its pure nostalgia only

speaking as someone with no nostalgia related to this game

It is really fun but after the tutorial island you get thrown into a middle of the story, from being called a recruit to a really important person.

^^^ quests stop being anything worth doing after reaching max lvl (not enjoyable enough for me to bother)

dungeons & raids are really fun and are probably the only reason id come back

plus i dont wanna pay blizzard another cent

last 2 boss fights were pretty underwhelming but the game was really enjoyable :)

weakest of the ezio trilogy but still pretty good compared

the best ac game not even close

best assassins creed gameplaywise

Jump up superstar

This game is the definition of fun

Absolutely stunning. You can feel the devs love for the game with the regard to little details and movements. I have only praises for this game. The one thing I would have to mention is that the little fella can feel clumsy to control in certain moments.

why does the song in gecko park go so hard tho

lovely game, recommend to everyone <3