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1 day

Last played

March 19, 2022

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This is garbage, you can't even call it copaganda cause it's the first thing you should make some play to get them to not wanna be a police officer.

I took forever to finally get around to this because I hated the bits of the first two stages I played, but my drive to play EVERYTHING on Genesis made me crawl back for just a few further stages.

It's just a fucking mess of ideas, it can't decide if it wants to be a shinobi-style game with a decide-and-initiate flow to its combat, or an adventure-esque action platformer. The screen does a jack shit job of scrolling with you, something that matters a lot when combat is built around pixel perfect jumping over projectiles. Every stage is designed like ass. It gets momentarily better for stage 3 when you get the power suit and can start hovering and shooting charge shots, but then the game uses that as an excuse to throw even more bullshit at you. Not only that, but they fucking strip your ability to hover in THE NEXT STAGE (ironically enough, the first parts of that level are the only parts of the game I enjoyed).

This whole thing has zero faith in itself and is just a game-shaped homunculus, with 'things' in it. Literally the only thing going for it is that it has more visible budget than most other '90 Genesis titles.