Fire Emblem remakes, yes or no?

It seems like once a month someone wakes up and says "Fire Emblem Remake Soon!" And their only source is they downed 3 cans of monster before passing out and they saw it in a dream. So I wanted to run down what I could see being possible for each game and how I'd want them handled. Getting this out of the way, bare minimum they should all be officially translated and ported to switch. Not a hard thing to do, but those wouldn't be "remakes" as I'm discussing now. Comments that apply to every game, if they stick with the 3H engine, gameplay wise I think it's fine for some games but would be pretty rough for Jugdral. And cutscene wise, please don't use the 3H cutscene style ever again. I don't want any other game to suffer that fate. So a massive change on that aspect would be great for each game.

Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Fire Emblem: Awakening
Fire Emblem: Awakening
This is a 3DS game so it's mostly fine. No real big issues gameplay/story wise, just package all the dlc together would be nice. Just touch up the graphics for the models and give the characters feet. Just a touched up switch port is the most believable outcome.
Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade
Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade
Blazing Blade
This game is the first one released in the west and got officially translated. And it is a great GBA Fe and is certainly acceptable as is unlike FE6. It in fact already was available on the Wii u if I remember correctly. So they could just do that again. But I think it has some things that could be addressed. While it was officially translated it wasn't a perfect translation. There's a good number of dialogue sections that could be corrected. Gameplay wise, I could definitely see a bit of rebalancing helping a lot. Mainly just tweaks to how difficulty modes work. And Lyn mode tutorial aspect could definitely be streamlined/removed/optional. Story wise, similar to Jugdral a lot of people seem to think elibe should be a dual remake. And while mechanically they're pretty similar unlike jugdral. Story wise it would require a lot more work than people think. I think the main stories could probably use a few tweaks to make things flow a bit better when playing back to back(either order is fine). And character endings definitely could be improved and should be reworked. I also have no clue how FE7 paired endings would be written to flow in a digestible way when experiencing both games in one package for the first time. However, just like Jugdral, there would be a lot of positives if they manage to connect smaller story elements/resolve plot lines better. I could see this happening in a reasonable future.
Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
Path of Radiance
Another one that's pretty possible. Main things that could be addressed is the visual style being refined, so just better looking cutscenes and in map elements. Portraits and conversations are fine as is, but a minor tweak wouldn't hurt. Gameplay, maybe just a slight rebalance and some bug fixing is all that's needed. Biggest issue the "voice acting" in the game. From people that sound like they were literally pulled off the street to the black knight having almost incomprehensible dialogue, this is definitely an area that could use improvement. As much as I might actually find some charm in Ike's voice and think greil's voice in PoR is better than his FEH one. This is definitely a doable remake.
Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones
Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones
Sacred Stones
Yeah, this game is like the least in need of attention. It's the best looking and functioning game on the GBA, it exists alone so it doesn't have to worry about tying in to another game. Maybe minor translation tweaks and slight rebalancing. But that's all that would need addressing. Anything else is just me wanting to see it remade because I want it and not that I feel it's needed. A lot of the FEH voices for FE8 characters I really like so I would love to see them shine in a full game. Especially Lyon, Marisa and L'arachel. This one isn't likely but would be a great experience done well.
Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest
Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest
Same deal as awakening in terms of graphics and packaging dlc. Some kind of fates collection with all three routes would be fine.
Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
Radiant Dawn
Similar to PoR in terms of visual and Audio improvement, the coloring looks a little washed out at times. And even though I actually prefer Zelgius' voice here than in FEH, everyone else could use some help. Gameplay wise, again just minor tweaks are what's realistic. Make some units in P1 and P2 a little better. Dream improvements would be actually putting effort into how unit availability works, I feel for you Tormod fans out there. And now the classic "should this game be a dual remake with PoR?" Well like Elibe they aren't drastically different from each other. I think the main issue is that RD is a very long game. So doing both games in one package seems pretty unrealistic for IS/the switch.
Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War
Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War
This one is a legit case and one I'd want. FE4 is pretty big map wise, so if they stick to the 3H engine, without a major improvement it might be pretty rough. Gameplay wise there are definitely some areas that could get some nice improvement. Mainly big bugs and QoL stuff. FEH has most of the voice cast available already and I really like most of them. This remake is definitely possible, but pretty challenging.
Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade
Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade
Binding Blade
This game is the roughest of the GBA era and is the only one that didn't get officially translated. So I could see it as pretty likely to happen. It's much smaller than FE4 so it's definitely possible. Gameplay wise, just very minor tweaks maybe to some areas. But doesn't need a huge overhaul. GBA games don't have a full skill system unlike most of the rest of the series. So that could be an interesting angle to apply to making a remake. This one would probably be the simplest job for IS.
Fire Emblem: Thracia 776
Fire Emblem: Thracia 776
Much smaller than FE4, but has the issue of being odd to remake alone due to how the story is. But I've seen people who what a dual remake of this and FE4 and that just doesn't seem doable. They're incredibly different mechanically. Outside of like the bare minimum core FE stuff, nothing you learn in FE4 would translate to Thracia. And story wise, idk how well they would play together one after the other in a package. As Thracia is a midquel/duringquel. But one benefit from this would be potentially tying together smaller elements from FE4 and Thracia so they would flow better than they do now on their own. So that's one positive I would be happy to see. This one is kinda possible.
Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem
Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem
Book 1 is remade twice and II was remade once. Most I can see possible is they translate and port them to switch online. But that's still generous.
Fire Emblem Gaiden
Fire Emblem Gaiden
Got a remake already, and though I haven't played it, it seems good. Maybe translate gaiden and put it on online and or port echoes to switch. That's the most I can see possible.


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