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BioShock used to be an immersive sim game that drives you to try merging more than one game mechanic together in order to overcome a barrier in your way
Infinite simplifies the combat way too much so yeah it's more Accessible now and you enjoy it the first 2 hours but it gets repetitive afterwards as it throws you every kind of weapon it has within the first 3 hours of the game and they are few BTW and tries organizing it a little bit with Vigors but still not good enough
Although, the thing that kept me going was the story, it has it's mind-blowing moments that maybe some of 'em were useless and they were there just for the sake of Fan Service, and also it got it's well-established, good written characters specially Elizabeth who might be one of the greatest companions i've ever seen in a videogame and an astonishing city
But the thing that specializes BioShock for me is how it discusses concepts like racism, objectivism even more simple stuff like father daughter relationship
This one's perispective on racism and religious fanaticism is very poor
That's why i don't think this game really deserved to be named BioShock
Maybe it wouldn't have got that backlash if it just got another name
PS : Still better than the first one :"