35 reviews liked by MangoMux

For such a long time I would've considered this game a masterpiece, a true gold-standard for the artform of game design. At this point I consider it the blueprint for a perfect game that unfortunately has too many flaws for me to really even call it great. Don't get me wrong I still love this game and there's no doubt in my mind that it's good, very good but the amount of praise it recieves despite its shortcomings and the community's refusal to acknowledge that this game could be so much more is both frustrating and pathetic as desperate fans try to lick the boots of Mojang who have been delivering on a sub-par level.

1. Optimization: This game is a pain in the ass to run, don't even bother playing it without Optifine or better yet like a dozen mods on Fabric just to get the thing to run at a steady pace. Constant stuttering all around, hate to break this to you put if you need to be a fat slob in their RGB room bearing a NASA computer to run this game smoothly you need to fix your shit.

2. Vapid updates: Mob votes are a violation of the Geneva Convention. The audacity of developers to basically just decide not to add 3 mobs to the game per update it fucking baffling, half of the mobs aren't even complex and when they are added it is so underwhelming. Camels are boring, frogs look funny but are also really boring. Refusing to add fireflies because frogs can't eat them IRL is actual brainrot, the frogs don't have to eat them, and so what if they do? The goal of this game is to go to kill a dragon, but noooooo the IRL frogs might die if we make fake frogs eat fake fireflies. Actually, the wild update just sucked in general, it was 75% shit left over from the Caves and Cliffs update and the last quarter was nice swamps and that's about it, genuinely bullshit that they promised so much for the birch forest only not to do it, lazy.

3. Not survival mode: It's hardly about surviving at this point, you just get a bed and make one (1) trip to a cave to get iron and now you're set forever, you win, you don't have to take a risk ever again. Your enemies include incredibly slow and useless zombies, skeletons that can be defeated with a shield, creepers that can be defeated with a shield, spiders that are too slow to catch you and literally nothing else. Why can't a horde of zombies break down your door? Why can't skeletons shoot your windows through to let spiders crawl in? Why can't spiders trap you in webs or jump onto you? Why aren't there creepers for every environment meaning they can always camoflague? Because that's too hard, they want to sell this game to children. Newsflash, the kids can just play on easy mode, the people who just want to build can play on easy mode. There are people who try to deflect this point by saying 2 things:
The first is that they just want to build in peace, if so play on easy mode (which would hypothetically remove these abilities), peaceful mode or even creative mode. If you just want a nice survival world for building then play on easy mode and add difficult enemies to normal/hard mode (because hard mode is still really damn easy)
The second is that this would take away from the creativity but no it wouldn't, you can be creative and intuative at the same time, in fact they both very often go together, you can be very creative if you have a problem to solve, it's even more creative than building a nice house that you probably nabbed from a tutorial.

4. Missing features: Why can't we build ships? Why can't this castle I built be raided? Why aren't villages even more complex? Why aren't illagers and piglins their own civilizations of sorts? Why aren't there more bosses? Why is the Wither pointless? Why can't we shield bash? Why are the bosses that do exist really boring? Why aren't there gravestones? Why aren't there backpacks? Why isn't there more wildlife? Why isn't there a map with waypoints? Why aren't there more dimensions? Why aren't there more biomes? Why no thirst or temperature? Why doesn't this game just game the quark mod by default? I could go on for ages, whenever I play this game with mods I just think to myself "half of these features should be in the game anyways" but nope, they're not.

5. Just lame design choices: The bosses in this game suck, the Raid is cool but the Ender Dragon has always been an incredibly lame final boss, it never feels like a battle, it feels more like you're just disturbing some creature that wants to fly around, the beast has no presence up to that point either, when you get there you shoot towers as it flies in circles and maybe flies into you which might result in a bullshit fling into the void if it's at a funny angle or it will fire incredibly slow and pathetic projectiles at you, this is until it perches (and by perches I mean they place the model onto that bedrock thing and it sort of just sits there) so you can kill it, it doesn't even fight back whilst you stab its face. The Wither is a complete joke, it just flies around and smashes things, it feels like the kind of thing you shit out when you find those modding applications like MCreator and you make a terrible boss for the first time. It has a cool appearance and I like the sound design and also the idea of this ancient undead amalgamation but there's nothing to it, it literally just breaks blocks until you shoot it and then you have to hit it. Also the progression system has always been so bizarre, you can get gear good enough to beat the game in like 15 minutes (if the game doesn't spawn you on an island or a landmass with no natural caves for miles) and speaking of going miles most structures suck, the Woodland Mansion is really fun and cool but it's so just not worth it, all the loot can be gained from a raid and better loot can be found in shipwrecks or desert temples (guaranteed). The ocean temple sucks, its boring and tedious and all for a sponge and some gold. Nether fortresses don't have enough good loot to really expand upon the progression and wither skeletons can be stopped by putting some blocks to make them bang their heads like that one stormtrooper. End cities? They're honestly awesome, poor structures like this please, great loot and an elytra that can only be acquired from there along with a really unique and dynamic way to get through them by using the very specific enemies found there? It just proves to me that Mojang can make fantastic structures if they try (hopefully those trial chambers are worth it). By the way if you prefer old combat you've just admitted that you'd rather have combat boil down to who has the best autoclicker and not somewhat interesting thought and skill, the game should have even more going on in terms of combat, Spartan Weapons and Spartan Shields but a bit more toned down is a good basis.

Unironisch die beste Version von Tetris, die man spielen kann. Sämtliche Vorteile des modernen Tetris sind vorhanden, Online Partien klappen problemlos (Auch ohne Accountbindung) und das sehr schlichte, aber einfache Layout, hilft extrem, in kürzester Zeit, die Steine einzuprägen und immer passend zu spielen.

Tetr.io ist nicht nur das beste Io Spiel, seiner Art, sondern vermutlich mti der Grand Masters Version, das beste Tetris, was ich bis dato gespielt habe. Tetris 99 und der DS Teil waren lange Zeit die Tetris Spiele, welche ich immer spielen konnte. Nun hat Tetr.io den Platz für sich gesichert und es wird mit Grand Masters die Version sein, welche von mir immer bespielt wird. Klare Empfehlung und das ganze sogar gratis!

Love this game but can't make it past Monkey Watch
(I'm retarded)

Wife is one of my favorite words

it's a good MMO, it's fast, the weapons work well, it lacks a different multiplayer mod, it's a bit repetitive.

But the idea of ​​the game is original and refreshing

I hope this game will help me get a girlfriend. I'm sure of it.
Unlucky, this is a free mobile game, so you need to watch ads. But this game is like CoC for cockers like me.



To put it simply A Hat in Time is one of my favourite 3D platformers of all time. From the beginning to the end it knows what style it's going for and never strays from it. The level design never becomes dull due to the fact (especially in the later parts of the game) as it designed around the multiple hats and wants you to mix and match the on the fly. This game has never left me bored in the multiple times I have 100%ed this game and is the one game I would recommend to every fan of the 3D platformer genre.

Spelunky is a game that hates you. It’s randomized, filled with secrets and only a few helping hands throughout your adventure, and a few too many mistakes sends you back to the beginning of it all. There are no exploits, nor cheese to be had. There is only you, and your persistence.

As of writing, I haven’t even completed Spelunky, technically I’m not even a halfway through the game. So why am I reviewing it if I haven’t dropped/finished it yet? Because this is an experience that no other game has been able to capture. I’ve played numerous roguelikes in my days, with my favorite game of all time being a roguelike. Few (really only The Binding of Isaac) have managed to capture my attention like Spelunky. Unlike a good chunk of roguelikes which rely on the player’s reflexes and skill (which isn’t bad design for the record), Spelunky throws you into a random world and tells you to survive. You’ll find this incredibly difficult. Even with the less than threatening enemies, you’ll still find yourself dying over and over again. The goal to success is expirimentation, Spelunky’s strong suit. Since runs only last a few minutes each (10-15 minutes usually), I was more open to expirimentation with the game, compared to other roguelikes where changing my strategy mid-way through could lead to a lost run of about an hour (or so). This (and The Binding of Isaac) are the only two roguelikes that I’ve seen actually get this right, and it’s disappointing, because it works in both games’ favor, and I think a lot of roguelikes would benefit from this (ENTER THE GUNGEON.). Suddenly, as you play, once you bend the rules, rather than banging your head against a wall, the game responds accordingly. You’ll find that Dart Traps are activated with motion, and even by other enemies. So carrying anything will substantially increase your chances of survival. You can use one of the ladies as an extra HP point, use her as a meat shield for those damned dart traps, or sacrifice her for a chance at an awesome cape. You can steal from the shopkeeper which will give you several bonus items, but you have to fight him, which can easily lead to your death. And then he cock blocks the gateway to the next levels. I’m only scratching the surface of what I’ve learned through my 3 hours of playtime, and it’s not only because some of it is second nature at this point. I hope to learn more about Spelunky in my many more hours to come. I’m not sure if I’ll ever complete Spelunky, because it’s so difficult, but wishful thinking leads me to believe I will. I’ve conquered dozens of unabashedly difficult games in my lifetime, so Spelunky may be no different. But for now, Spelunky is a game that has made me feel little games have ever done. Even if you won’t see the credits, play this game. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. (and thank you alpharad for bringing my attention to this game, love you dude :D)

Brings out my gordon ramsay