693 Reviews liked by Mapache

The greatest "bad" wrestling game to ever grace this earth

The Virgin Earthbound-inspired indie RPG V.S. The Chad WWE inspired jankfest sandbox

We commit a slight bit of tom foolery.

Cons: It picks the USA automatically at the beginning.

Pros: I can play against the USSR and get absolutely demolished because I suck at videogames.

It's Pokemon so it's probably better than the majority of video games out there but also this is like the blandest of the mainline games. The region is pretty at least.

Childhood game. I realize now, many years later.. that i only picked the girls, not because i’m a “girl so i pick girl characters”, but because i like women. Interesting discovery

"We have Contra at home."

The Contra at home:

Contra Force is the one Contra sequel you likely forgot exists, mostly because it's so bland and forgettable that there's no reason to commit it to memory a second longer than it takes to say "Huh. Contra Force." Every review on this site for it is, at best, a sentence long. Nobody is willing to give this game a deep dive, really tear it apart and get into the guts of the thing, talk about its mechanical strengths and shortcomings. Or, rather, they can't because there just ain't much to talk about. Have you ever played a NES run-and-gun with really bad slowdown? Congrats, you've played Contra Force.

I have the most words logged on this site for Contra Force and it was just to tell you why nobody ever talks about it. I think this qualifies me enough to log this game as having been mastered, even though I absolutely did not do that.

Pretty good. I hope it gets a sequel.

A fantastic remake of the two original Langrisser games, with bland new artwork but the option to restore the original glorious Urushihara designs.
The difficulty was slightly adjusted to allow even newcomers to the genre to enjoy themselves, and the amount of alternative storylines is simply stunning, ranging from small details to complete overhauls.
A wonderful entry point into the legendary series.

rating this game any more than a 2/5 should be a federal offense

such a charming game! so in love w the rune factry series now! def going to be playing rf3 special when it comes out n i wanna play rf5!!! the charcters are amazing, story is so charming. i adore it <3333

I'm going to make you love me by throwing a single squid at you every day for a year and there's nothing you can do to stop me.

Uffffffff qué genérico, por qué iba a jugar a esto en vez de al Rayman 3 con la mosca que hace chistes de culos y tetas