After finishing the game, and thinking for a bit, even tho the controls are not great and the game itself is not well explained, the ending chapters had me Hooked! it ended being quite a good experience.

The Best Pokémon Spin-off so far.

Underrated game, needs to be brought back with a new game and introduced to the west.

Pretty good game if you ignore the terrible controls.

Had a lot of promise, but the lack of a pc version, shitty online, and just terribly grindy to unlock everything turned it into a big disappointment for me.

Easily one of the best Mario Spin-offs, very addicting and very satisfying to 100%!

Great start to a new franchise!

The Canadian beta was quite impressive and I enjoyed my time very much, the game is a bit repetitive tho so I hope they add new modes to switch things up!

This was the first Pokémon game I completed! almost 10 years ago! Great Spin-off, just wish there were shinies in the game, so it could be the perfect successor the of wii title.

Transformice is based, go give it a try!

Was originally going to go for 100%, but the game is a bit too boring for me, at least post-game, the base game was pretty decent and I had a lot of fun.

Terraria is an incredible experience that is very hard to describe, but I can safely say it's a modern masterpiece.