“Young man, please move on with the mission and stop miman hunting.”

Better than koroks.

It’s that damn cloud switching left to right I swear.

DougDoug made me like this game way more than before.

I love the idea of an open world/field sonic game with unique gimmicks, boss themes, fishing, and level rankings, but I really hate the way the map makes you play this “99% of players fail this game” kinda thing. It felt more like a chore and and made my real life job look more fun. I love the titan battles and that SEGA is putting sonic in a new direction, and I believe they can do it in the next big sonic installment. Anyway let’s just say this game made me less likely to pick up superstars for a couple of months.

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Dumbass Nekone

This game and Phasmophobia perfected the use of proximity chat.

I was 5 hours in and experienced audio cut and game crashing. Sorry but this one is gonna have to wait.

Grab a couple of friends and play this amazing free half life multiplayer game. Sprinkle in some mods to have Jack Frost and Giorno Giovanna with crowbars and guns tackle on every enemy.

My friends: “Why should we make a 27 x 32 long ass tunnel through the mountain!?!”

Me: “It would be so awesome!! It would be so cool!!”

My favorite sonic game of all time growing up.(proceeds to shit talk about Big the Cat’s story)

We have Tartarus Dungeon at home