A part of my brain don't really enjoy games similar to Isaac because it compare them too much. So I rarely fall in love with similar Roguelikes.

Enter the Gungeon turn up to be quite different actually and I love it because of it.

It's a much faster game, more focused on precision and skill rather than a library of knowledge like Isaac.

The game has a lot of cool details and an amazing humour, it's only a bit rough in the beginning mainly because the game rarely allows you to progess in the Gungeon until you get better. So you will be dying in the first 3 floors for a while.

Really worth to try complete it.

The goose game about being an annoying goose. Quite fun to play coop. The controls are quite clunky but that is kinda the point. A quite good (silly) goose game.

I never palyed the original DS, but people say they the resmaster did an excellent job.

A really good horror survival game, competes with my personal favourite the RE saga.

The combat is extremly fluid and because of the versatility for the weapons and systems in the game it really does feel like you are using everything you have at hand to defend yourself. I'd have like a bit more enemy variety considering that it took me like 10 hours to beat the game, but it's fine.

The story is decent, wouldn't call it its main appeal. The atmosphere of the game is a different story, it does suffer from the common problem that many horror game face: the longer you play, the less scary it becomes. That doesn't mean it ain't great though.

It has some flaws, but still I consider it an amazing horror survival.

I picked up this game because it was free on Steam and seem similar to Celeste. It has some cool mechanics and gimmicks for a platformer, but it lack those little polishments and details in control that make platformers don't feel like ass to play. It's really unresponsibe and imprecise.

If they fix that probably it'd be a good game.

Wierd Visual Novel about philosophy? Didn't really get it, but fun enough to try it.

An absolute classic to play with the boys. Has a good inheritance from flash era.

I had high hopes for this game, turns out it wasn't really good.

They kept the good things from their previous game, the amazing atmosphere and the beautiful carefuly crafted scenary.

But somehow, they messed up gameplay quite bad, they added your typical horror game puzzle of "pick thing, put there" which I find as fun as doing chores.

Also, for some reason the games runs like shit, and I mean it. I don't know if that has something to do with my GPU being Radeon, but the game couldn't give over 8fps in certain parts, not even in the lowest graphics

I like Slime Rancher, is quite simple compared to other games of exponential economies and gets a bit repetitive too as it mostly handwork that you can't automatize, and I love it because of that.

Was a good confort game and I find it really cute.

I didn't understand this game, quite literally. I don't know if I should blame the design or me and my friend playing it while sleep deprivated. Our hour of gameplay consisted on doing stuff until something happened until we couldn't continue out of boredom, confusion and tireness.

I heard great things of the Metro saga, but this game was a real let down.

The gameplay felt "coarse" and the narrative is just the narrator spitting you a paragraph that you will probably forget in 5 minutes because the handles pathing really poorly.
It's usually one shooting session after another and everything ends up blending in to the point that you remember a thing from the game.

Also had so many insta gameover moments that just were frustrating and not fun.

I kinda give it benefit of doubt because it's a somewhat old game and the Redux is just a remaster.

I don't think this is a bad game, it just didn't vibe well with me, has really cool aesthetics but the controls really threw me off.

I really wanted to play Black Mesa because I hated the original Half-Life and I heard that Black Mesa was like it but fixed all the bad stuff.

In reality, Black Mesa mostly looks better and uses a different engine compared to HL1, but kept all the things I found annoying.

I'm not the guy who loves shooters but the gameplay in this one just didn't feel right. I also can't figure out if I am a dumbass or the game is really bad at giving directions and objectives, because I wasted tons of time just trying to find where to go or what to do (which happened to me in HL1 aswell.

I hope that HL2 saves the saga for me.

A cute and charming Paper Mario-like game. It executes all its systems and mechanics flawlessly. Has a quite well put story for a game about adventurer bugs and a ton of attention to detail. The world design and music are amazing, most side quests are really fun.

A must play.

And I will forever tresure my boys Kabu, Vi and Leif <3.

A shortish physics platformer. Gameplaywise I can tell you it ain't something out of this world, but it has a combination of old flash game with chill dreamy vibes which makes it worth playing.

A wierd RPG that I don't even remember buying. The story didn't pick up even by the second hour, the gameplay was really simple and slow. Bored me out of my mind.