I don't get why people say this is one of the best horror games. Yeah, it has a cool setting and the story seem somewhat interesting, but god the gameplay is dull, consisting of mostly being chased by monsters that have all the same behaviour around the same places for most of the game apparently. Seems like the kind of game that would probably be more fun to watch rather than play.

Titanfall 2 is like my idealized shooter campaign.

It has an excelent duration of around 5 hours, beautiful and colorful scenery, a mid story but cool world building.

The gameplay is literally how I want most of my shooters to be: fast but smooth movement, bigish maps, and variety of guns that do all feel amazing to use.
I loved the titan aspect aswell, at first I thought they would be slow and boring compared to the pilot, I was wrong. I end up liking BT, such a good fella.

Sadly I didn't get to play the online because I was in a rush because of the EA Play, but I can only imagine it's amazing.

Actually a really cool game, my only reason to abandon it was my lost save file. I'm not playing half of the game again.


Pyre was that kinda of game that you start and then keep playing non-stop until you finish it for me.

I heard many good things about Supergiant Games, and they were all right.

To begin with, the art direction is impeccable, the music is unbelievably good and creates a great setting.

Storywise, amazing too, kinda wished it was longer because how much I enjoy it. It's been a while since I've seen so well done characters.

Talking gameplay, the game has an extremly good loop of narrative, preparation, rite, repeat. The rites themselves feel amazing to master (to later be crushed by a particular individual), this encourages you to raise the stakes on the later rites activating as many Titan Stars (enemy buffs) as you can handle.

This game should have had online matchmaking as it has a lot of room for tons of different strategies and gamestyles that would have shined in PvP matches.

A must play.

I got no clue what this game is about whatsoever. The story is tell in a really wierd way and the "combat" feels like scentific-monkey testing. It has amazing visuals and ambience. Maybe it's just not for me.

An easy to enjoy game, it has a inviting combination of simple controls and mechanics and hard to master levels. Obviously its main appeal it's the art direction which is impecable by the way. Probably a must play for most people.

Easily one of my favourite RE games. Combines all the good new stuff that the REngine brought with the already good (but bit outdated) systems and mechanics of the original RE4.

The grid inventory, the merchant who can upgrade your weapons were things that loved from the original RE4 and I hope to see again in future RE games.

It has a good combination of the metroidvania-like sections and linear sections for the map that create an amazing flow in gameplay.

This one I consider to be one of the only RE games that actually succeds at horror. The section of the Beneviento house it better than many full-on horror games.

I also hope to see more new mechanics like hunting, these are a great way to make backtracking more fun and are a good way to handle the character upgrades.

About the extras, it basically has the best extras on the RE saga. They took The Mercenaries and turn it into short runs with some roguelike elements and made me love it. it really feels worth to master every map. The characters are not as many compared to other Mercenaries but they all played very different.

The Rose DLC was ok.

I really hope that the next RE game to be like this one.

The one and original that set up a great franchise that EA kinda decided to slowly kill.

It's the only tower defense I've played and I find it easy, that said, actual tower defense games seem way too hard for me so I've never played another.

Back to the topic, fantastic game only for real gamers.

My Halloween game for this year.

It is an amazing tribute to old 8bit game, and a really good horror game even with those graphics.

The atmosphere is really well done, the really low quality voices and sounds add a lot to it.

The only thing that gets a bit annoying sometimes are confusing objectives but it ain't that big of a deal.

A masterpiece designed to test you and painfully punish you when you fail. The atmosphere of the game it's really well fleshed out. A must play even if you don't mean to finish it.

A shoutout to Bradley, my first Leper, who made it to and out many bosses and the Darkest Dungeon itself twice

Still kinda mediocre as the first one. It has bit more entertaining gameplay as there are more things to do compared to the first game; also the animatronics have slightly more characteristic mechanics. Nonetheless I wouldn't say it is fun to play and it ain't scary.

It's a truly unique game. The world building and dense atmosphere conveys those feelings of unsettlement, grossness and misery that you want from you dark fantasy world. It also very well translated into the mechanics of the game, this way the gameplay offer some quite deep and complex systems.

From the design aspect the game amazing, sadly the technical part far from that. I understand that the game was made by one person, but stepping into "gen 1 pokemon counterintuitive systems" due to programming is not something you'd want in a game.
Even less considering that the game heavily relays on try and error.

I highly recommend to play it with the wiki at hand because of that. And don't worry about the wiki telling you everything about the game, because trust me when I say is considerably uncomplete and handful of the information is outright wrong.

Whether you plan on rolling credits or not, I'd say is a must play.

Capcom sure knew what they were doing with their remakes. I've never played the original RE2 (I don't really get on well with older games), but the remake itself it really cool, the scenery and ambience are really good.

Personally, I don't like that much the slower gameplay compared to other RE games, and the game lacks a bit on enemy variety. Also, I don't really get all the A and B runs, I imagined that your first run influenced your next one, but it doesn't. I just don't understand why they did that when pretty much all the games have you playing as other character for a while and don't force you to play the entire game again just to see what the other character did in the meantime.

As always I have to mention the extras, I didn't like them.

I did enjoy the Hunk one though, didn't really played on my Hunk power fantasy, but I end up liking that it was tough.

Also a cool remake, also didn't played the original. Also amazing ambience and enviorments.

Feels a bit way too similar to RE2 Remake, almost like a DLC.

Has two main differences, the gameplay is a bit more fluid and the map is extremely linear compared to the Metroidvania-like of the police station in RE2.

Cool horror survival game.

Wierdly enough games about twisting the rules of games commonly only reliant on luck is really fun. Despite being short it has an amazing style and it's fun for the entire playthrough. I just wished it was a bit longer or more replayable