I had high hopes for this game, turns out it wasn't really good.

They kept the good things from their previous game, the amazing atmosphere and the beautiful carefuly crafted scenary.

But somehow, they messed up gameplay quite bad, they added your typical horror game puzzle of "pick thing, put there" which I find as fun as doing chores.

Also, for some reason the games runs like shit, and I mean it. I don't know if that has something to do with my GPU being Radeon, but the game couldn't give over 8fps in certain parts, not even in the lowest graphics

I didn't understand this game, quite literally. I don't know if I should blame the design or me and my friend playing it while sleep deprivated. Our hour of gameplay consisted on doing stuff until something happened until we couldn't continue out of boredom, confusion and tireness.

The goose game about being an annoying goose. Quite fun to play coop. The controls are quite clunky but that is kinda the point. A quite good (silly) goose game.

I like Slime Rancher, is quite simple compared to other games of exponential economies and gets a bit repetitive too as it mostly handwork that you can't automatize, and I love it because of that.

Was a good confort game and I find it really cute.

A pretty good psychological horror game, the ambience and the environment are really well crafted.

I only didn't enjoy much the combination of Walking-Simulator with not many mechanics and 4 hours of maingame, unfortunately it gets a bit boring down the line. The story isn't great either.

The atmosphere makes it worth though.

Seem like a really good concept, a roguelike with D&D like storytelling. End up being a boring, unbalanced and really repetitive roguelike.

A classic RPGmaker game about roaming in wierd dream worlds. May find it interesting for the first half hour, but once you try to get all the effects it gets really convoluted, slow and kinda repetitive. I'd say it's much more fun to watch someone talking about it on youtube.

I never palyed the original DS, but people say they the resmaster did an excellent job.

A really good horror survival game, competes with my personal favourite the RE saga.

The combat is extremly fluid and because of the versatility for the weapons and systems in the game it really does feel like you are using everything you have at hand to defend yourself. I'd have like a bit more enemy variety considering that it took me like 10 hours to beat the game, but it's fine.

The story is decent, wouldn't call it its main appeal. The atmosphere of the game is a different story, it does suffer from the common problem that many horror game face: the longer you play, the less scary it becomes. That doesn't mean it ain't great though.

It has some flaws, but still I consider it an amazing horror survival.

It's one of the most unique games I've played, I can't recommend it enough. If you can play 100% blind do it.

Play it now and thank me later.

I've heard a lot about this game before playing it. I though it was a chill nice looking game about walking in the forest, then with the intro I realized it wasn't (only) about that.

Throughout the game I had mixed feelings, I've heard a lot of people complain about the ending, and when I reached it I understood why.

I didn't like the ending, it didn't feel right, because it's not meant to feel right. Firewatch is like a drink with a bitter end, and I like it because of that.

A wierd and wacky Point-And-Click, has a lot of good dark humor, but the story is a bit meh.

Oxenfree it's a wierd game that I'd say it's not for everyone. it has a wierd tone that I haven't found many time in games, it's like the kind of movies about teenagers that you'd watch when you were a teen, but that I never actually watched.
The game is heavly narrative, you pretty much only walk and pick dialogue options. The setting itself wasn't really a catch for me, if I'd told you it's about teenagers getting trapped in an island where paranormal things happened I imagine it may set you off and you'd think it's really cliché. Paranormal and horror aside the story is mostly focus around the characters and their relationships and it's worth mention that dialogue choices do actually build relationships over time (something core that many narrative games fail to do), so if you do find it kinda interesting in the first hour continue playing it. If not, probably it ain't your type of game.

It was way better than I imagined. I've never seen a game that focus so heavily in psychological horror and achieve such an unsettling tone, not even full-on horror games. The game is completely linear (as it should be these kind of games) and has a good pacing that alternate between good enviormental puzzles and very well done combat. The story helps to drive the gameplay and it amazingly complemented by the lore. Overall a must play because of its uniqueness and quality, really good game.

Really cool Metroidvania that went a bit out of the radar. It's has a really nice style and beautiful pixelart. Worth playing.

A 3 minute long "horror" game that can hardly be called game as you only need about 5 clicks and pressing left and right to complete it. It isn't scary, it doesn't make sense, but hey, the 20 seconds of voice acting at the end are quite decent.