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This will be a very brief, so apologies in advance. As a fan of the Film Franchise this game is a dream come true. I have never really been interested in many of the Alien Game titles until I saw the trailers for this game back when it was first announced. It has since become one of my most beloved horror games. The premise is simple, you are Ellen Ripley's daughter Amanda stuck on the Space Station Sevastopol in search of answers regarding your mother's disappearance. However, something is very wrong on Sevastopol and you soon become trapped in a life or death game of survival against one of space's deadliest killers.

What this game excels at is atmosphere, every sound and every music clip are put to great use in builiding tension. Even before the Xenomorph appears on screen you will already be on the edge of your seat. This also becomes very handy for tracking the Alien's movements throughout the ship as the sound of vents becomes increasingly vital to your survival. Even without the horror elements this game is an audible experience.

Another positive is that the design of the ship itself almost perfectly replicates the style of Scott's classic so it is very easy to feel immersed in this universe. It does feel like a sequel to the 79 film. This also means that there is plenty to fiddle around with in the game, and a lot of secrets to uncover. Sometimes this can be a little frustrating as you are almost always being chased around so trying to find everything will start to feel like a tough task later on.

I think what this game also does right is the slow burn. Slow burn horror isn't very popular these days but when dine effectively it can yield great results. And I do think this game executes it well, now I will get to this later on but the game has two moments where the pacing slows down. While I do feel like the later one is dragged out just a bit too much, the pay off is great.

Now I do have a few issues with the game as much as I love it. So I feel the reason I think of it so highly could also be because I am a big Alien fan myself. So as much as it pains me here are a few complaints I can see troubling people. The difficulty curve for this game spikes upon the first encounter. In fact at no point until the end game does the Alien become this obnoxious. And I can see it putting a lot of people off because it doesn't really give players much time to understand the creature fully. The objectives are also probably the most confusing in this section. You can feel lost pretty easily if you don't know where you are going. This is not helped by how much the Alien teleports to you. Now I will ask that people try to bear with the game at this point as the Alien does calm down with the forced appearances from this point on.

The other issue I have is the cutscenes, they aren't as polished as they could be considering how great the environments look. While I can say this might be down to having a tight schedule, it hasn't changed for subsequent releases. The only other major issue for me is the repetition in mission design, the designers did make tasks tedious on purpose and I understand that. It is effective in the first major sections of the game but for the game's length it can eventually get to you. Now there is a particular section of the game where the pacing slows down and that is where this becomes an issue imo. Fortunately, I believe the way the games pacing changes from this point on more than makes up for it.

Side Note: The DLC add extra challenges with limited supplies for you if you feel the base game was too easy. Two of them take olace during the events of the 79 with the original actors providing the voices. The rest are all based in Sevastopol before ornduring the events of isolation. Just to say as well, there is a lot of content to go through if you get the dlc bundled in. So if you see the game with its dlc on sale I would highly recommend if the game or Alien as a franchise interests you(Usually the bundles say something like ripley edition or nostromo edition).

Overall, This game is a true love letter and should please any fan of the Alien franchise. For its ups and downs it is definitely experience worth trying if you want to feel immersed in the nightmarish world of the Alien franchise.