Genshin Impact is what happens when you try to cross a full fledged open world game and a gacha game into one singular experience, and what you get is something that fails on both ends. With a bland and uninteresting story, one note characters that constantly adhere to annoying and overdone anime tropes, a world that is empty yet filled with boring and lackluster rewards just to keep you exploring, and a gacha and currency system that screws over everyone, Genshin Impact is a very surprising game. Surprising in how it reached such popularity despite being a mediocre and boring game. Not very recommended.

As my first experience with the Dragon Quest franchise, this game far exceeded the expectations I went into it with. With a loveable cast of party members and NPCs, a story with many dark twists, gameplay that is simple to understand and yet still fun, and tons of content to keep you busy for 100s of hours, Dragon Quest XI easily reaches the list of one of the best games ever created and is a must play for any RPG fan.

For a mobile gacha game, it far exceeds the expectations placed on it. With a fun and interesting story that has many twists, characters that are excellently written, and gameplay that is both simple and complex that is above a caliber of most mobile games, Dragalia Lost is a critically ignored gem that far exceeds what most people think mobile games are.

A fun indie experience with an interesting hook to keep you playing. Nothing that special, but by no means is it bad or terrible.

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A masterclass in game design and philosophy. From the soundtrack to the visuals, the game gets you hooked on its amazing story, and never lets up. The gameplay is fun and addicting, and there is loads of content to explore.